Describe and analyse the health issue from (mental health) your chosen �Australian National Health Priority Area� including the �determinants of health� for this population.

Design a 2-page brochure of 750 words.
� The brochure is to be used for your selected health issue (mental health) and selected target group (young adults) within the Australian population as part of a hypothetical holistic health promotion program.
� The brochure is required to utilise health promotion and lifestyle medicine principles as well as one behaviour change model (the transtheoretical model).
� The brochure should focus on promoting and enabling health behaviour change.
� The brochure should refer to the health issue (mental health) and recommend appropriate strategies to consider for health improvement, including where to find more info.
� The brochure must be referenced in APA style with a minimum of 6-8 references, majority being journal articles, not websites.

Part 2: Written Essay (1200 words)
Write a 1200 word paper to justify the following aspects of how you have planned your health promotion brochure.
You must:
� Describe and analyse the health issue from (mental health) your chosen �Australian National Health Priority Area� including the �determinants of health� for this population.
� Explain your specific target audience (young adults), population and provide statistical evidence of the health need.
� Justify how your selected behaviour change model (the transtheoretical model) has been used to guide development of the brochure.
� Justify the use of relevant health promotion strategies used to guide the project (i.e. empowerment, health education, health literacy).
� Justify the use of evidence-based lifestyle medicine recommendations to address this health issue (i.e. diet, activity, best-practice recommendations).
� Analyse how your project enables holistic health promotion to take place (i.e. physical, sociocultural and spiritual care considerations).
� Utilize appropriate scholarly and evidence based literature to justify your discussions.
� Paper should be correctly formatted with an introduction, discussion and conclusion
� Paper must be based on current literature and research (references no more than 8-10 years old)
� Minimum of 10-12 references used � formatted in APA

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