Develop a plan of nursing care for the person with an acute illness, identifying areas for collaboration with the family and other health disciplines

Develop a plan of nursing care for the person with an acute illness, identifying areas for collaboration with the family and other health disciplines
Weighting: 30%
Due Date: Tuesday, 8th May, 2018 by 1700 hrs
The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical
knowledge to plan effective evidence-based, person-centred care for a client with an acute
medical or surgical condition, as part of the role of the Registered Nurse.
This assignment addresses the following learning outcomes:
1. Develop a plan of nursing care for the person with an acute illness, identifying areas for
collaboration with the family and other health disciplines;
2. Demonstrate reflective, evidence-based nursing practices for clients with acute
medical/surgical conditions in a range of clinical settings, which is consistent with NMBA
nursing standards;
3. Demonstrate the principles of reflective practice;
Task Description:
For this task you need to write a 1500 word essay in which you discuss the assessment of a
post-operative client (Mrs Grace Potter; see below) and develop a comprehensive care plan
to address the nursing care priorities including ONE priority which is EITHER Postoperative
wound infection OR Post-operative deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Task Instructions:
You MUST include the following information in your essay:
Introduction (approximately 100 words)
Introduction should contextualise and identify the aim of the assignment.
Body (approximately 1300 words)
1. Discuss the risk factors and pathophysiology of the chosen health concern for Mrs
Potter. (100 words)
2. List and discuss four (4) components of an initial post-operative assessment you (RN)
would undertake for Mrs Potter. Provide a rationale for each assessment relating to
Mrs Potter’s conditions and justify with evidence-based literature. (300 words)
3. Identify TWO (2) priorities of nursing care to meet Mrs Potter’s needs identified in
your initial post-op assessment. Also provide a rationale for why these are a priority.
One nursing care priority to be discussed must be DVT OR post-operative wound
infection prevention. (50 words each priority)
4. Provide a comprehensive care plan to address the identified TWO (2) nursing care
priorities. Use evidence-based literature to justify why each intervention is likely to
be appropriate for Mrs Potter. (750 words)
5. Use Gibb’s Reflective Cycle as a framework to demonstrate how you would reflect on
the process of managing the chosen post-op potential health concern and what you
have learnt from designing the plan. This section can be written in first person. (100
Conclusion (approximately 100 words)
The conclusion should give a brief summary of the main points of the essay. [Approx. 100
● You must support all sections of your essay with scholarly literature from the past 10
Please ensure that your submitted assignment:
1. Includes an Assignment Title Page as per the Griffith Health Writing & Referencing
2. Is correctly formatted as per the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing formatting
guidelines (e.g. spacing, page number, etc.), AND includes a correctly formatted
reference list according to APA 6th edition. You do not need to include the marking
criteria with your submission.
3. Is assembled into one document. Format file is to be MS Word only (.doc) or (.docx).
4. Has uploaded successfully into the Submission Inbox. Retain a copy of the digital receipt
for the final assignment submission.
5. Is submitted online via the relevant campus specific Turnitin submission point on the
course site under the Assessment tab.
* For more help with Turnitin Assignment submissions go to: Turnitin
Mrs Grace Potter is a 67- year old woman who presented with rheumatoid arthritis of the
right hip. She has been a client of her local General Practitioner and has been medically
managing her pain for the past 8 months. Due to worsening pain and decreasing mobility,
Grace was referred to a surgical specialist and requires a total hip replacement (THR). Grace
has a history of hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and poorly managed Type 2 Diabetes
requiring oral hypoglycaemics.
Grace is widowed and lives alone, but has a son who lives nearby and is in regular contact.
Grace lives in her own home, which has six steps at the front, and is usually able to do all her
own activities of daily living (ADLs) and household work independently. Recently Grace has
been having difficulty with her ADLs and with general mobility due to pain in her leg.
Grace has just returned to the orthopaedic ward post total hip replacement (THR) surgery.
She has IV Normal Saline 0.9% running. She is drowsy but rousable and is complaining of
pain (rating 7/10). Her vital signs on arrival to the ward are: BP 145/70, HR 105bpm, temp
35.9 degrees, SpO2 99% on 8 litres of oxygen via a Hudson mask. She has a dressing on her
right hip that is intact, but there is a small amount of blood oozing out. She has a Redi-vac
drain in situ that contains 50 mLs of frank coloured blood. She also has patient-controlled
analgesia (PCA) in situ. A Charnley pillow (foam abduction pillow) is used. You have been
allocated to care for Grace.
 Assignment has as an introduction that contextualises the assignment and identifies
the aim of the assignment (5) (approximately 100 words)
 Has a concluding paragraph that summarises the overall assignment (5)
(approximately 100 words)
 Does not introduce any new information or references in the conclusion
/ 10
CRITERION ONE: Overview of the Client
 Using scholarly literature, the risk factors and pathophysiology of the chosen health
concern for Mrs Potter were clearly discussed (15) (approximately 100 words)
/ 15
CRITERION TWO: Comprehensive assessment
 Using scholarly literature, four (4) components of an initial post-operative
assessment the RN would undertake for Mrs Potter were identified and discussed
 A rationale for each assessment relating to Mrs Potter’s conditions was provided
and justified with evidence-based literature (approximately 300 words) (15)
/ 25
CRITERION THREE: Plan nursing care based on assessment of the client
 Using scholarly literature, TWO (2) priorities of nursing care to meet Mrs Potter’s
needs were identified in the initial post-op assessment
 Two nursing care priorities were discussed including ONE as DVT or post op
wound infection (approximately 50 words each priority) (10)
 From the analysis of the literature reviewed, a comprehensive care plan to address
the identified TWO (2) nursing care priorities was provided (10)
 Used evidence-based literature to justify why each intervention is likely to be an
appropriate nursing intervention for Mrs Potter. Patient-centred care and
consideration of Mrs Potter’s dignity and choice was evident throughout the essay.
(approximately 750 words) (10)
/ 30
CRITERION FOUR: Evaluation of care
 Used Gibb’s Reflective Cycle as a framework to demonstrate how you would
reflect on the process of managing the chosen post-op potential health concern and
discussed what you have learnt from it (100 words) (10)
/ 10
Conforms to the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines:
● Assignment title page (not university cover page) including name, student number
and word count (1)
● Does not exceed maximum 1500 word limit (excess words will not be marked) (1)
● Uses academic language throughout (1)
● Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs (2)
/ 5

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