Develop a strategic plan for a proposed change in a healthcare environment.

June 1, 2019 Off All,

Strategic Plan Paper Introduction and Alignment Strategic management begins with a planning process and culminates with implementation and ongoing evaluation of a strategic approach driven by the organization’s mission and vision. The strategic plan is a “blueprint” or framework for executing business and future directions for the work of an organization. Nurse leaders and managers use strategic planning to guide their decision making. Strategic planning helps nurses allocate necessary resources to critical activities necessary to meet organization goals and achieve a vision. Nurse leaders formulate the policies and procedures that support the plan and effectively meet performance outcome measures. In this paper, you will identify the early components of a strategic plan and apply this to a proposed change initiative in a healthcare environment. It is important to save this assignment for reference, as the strategic plan you develop in this course may be considered for implementation as your practicum work in the NUR 495 capstone course. In the capstone course, you will engage in an exciting adventure in which you will manage the dynamics of strategic planning to initiate a change process in a healthcare setting. You will incorporate the knowledge you garner in this course and other courses as you plan and manage a planned change field-based project within the scope of your current professional role. Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

Develop a strategic plan for a proposed change in a healthcare environment.

Resources Textbook: Leading and Managing in Nursing Textbook: Fundamentals of Project Management File: Strategic Plan Resource.docx File: Strategic Planning for Change.pptx Background Information In the last course of the RN-BSN program (NUR 495: Baccalaureate Capstone: Synthesis and Evaluation), you will assume a leadership role in coordinating and managing a capstone project by integrating evidence based practice and the strategic planning process. The work completed in this course will be linked with your NUR 495 capstone project. You will consider the dynamics and management of individuals, groups, and organizational behavior in the implementation of a planned change initiative within a healthcare environment. This project will provide you with the opportunity to apply leadership and management skills learned throughout the courses in your IWU School of Nursing program. This week, you will identify a problem or need in a healthcare environment which can serve as the focus of a strategic plan. As you ponder an initiative for the strategic plan paper assignment, consider using this as the foundation of your capstone project. Give special consideration to the scope and basis of the identified problem or need with your rationale clearly supported by current literature. In this genesis of strategic planning, you will critically reflect on the initial steps that are essential for planning change, stakeholders, and the evaluation process that measures outcome achievement. Instructions In your textbook Leading and Managing in Nursing, read Chapter 16, “Strategic Planning, Goal-Setting, and Marketing.” In your textbook Fundamentals of Project Management, read: Chapter 1, “An Overview of Project Management” Chapter 2, “The Role of the Project Manager” Chapter 3, “Incorporating Stakeholder Management in the Project Planning Process” Chapter 4, “Planning the Project” Chapter 5, “Developing a Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the Project” View the presentation Strategic Planning for Change.pptx. Download and review the Strategic Plan Resource 2017.docx file. Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan. The actual need that you identify could be related to process improvement, patient safety, employee satisfaction/retention, quality service, effective workflow, or ongoing education to address a knowledge deficit. The scope of the strategic plan should be such that it can be accomplished within an 8-week period of time and serve as a future capstone project in your final course. It is recommended that you interview formal and informal leaders in your chosen healthcare environment to assess for needs or problems that would benefit from a change initiative that might fall within your scope of practice and the assigned capstone time frame. Use the APA template to write a 3-4 page strategic plan paper that meets the following criteria: Use APA level I headings to organize the components (Background Discussion, Stakeholders, Outcome Statement and Evaluation Plan, and Conclusion) of your written paper. Introduce your proposed plan for change to a current situation in a healthcare setting in your introductory paragraph. A clear problem statement should be included in this initial paragraph. Background Discussion: Give background information that describes circumstances and factors that influence the existing problem or need. Discuss how your proposed plan will bring effective change or improvement to the chosen healthcare setting. In this background discussion, a minimum of three sources from current and scholarly literature that support evidence based practice should be integrated to validate and provide rationale for your strategic plan. Stakeholders: In this section, you will identify all of the stakeholders who will be potentially involved or will be impacted by your plan. A brief identification of those stakeholders, along with a succinct description of their role and interest in the plan should be discussed. You should include your chosen project facilitator (preceptor) and the facility where your change initiative will be implemented in this stakeholder discussion. Outcome Statement and Evaluation Plan: In this section, you will begin with a well-written outcome statement (SMART goal). Then, briefly describe an action plan that might be implemented to achieve this outcome. You will also describe an evaluation plan that specifically corresponds to the outcome statement. You will discuss any data that will be collected and analyzed in order to measure the achievement of the stated SMART goal (outcome). This section will describe the process that will be used to evaluate the success of your proposed change. Conclusion: Summarize the benefits that this change initiative will have on the chosen healthcare setting. Briefly describe the long-term and future impact of this proposed change initiative.

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