Title: Medical -Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume, 8e Authors: Donna D. Ignatavicius MS RN ANEF, M. Linda Workman PhD RN FAAN Publisher : Saunders Edition: 8 ISBN: 9781455772551 Publish Date :Feb 23, 2015 1. Compare/contrast bladder and habit training in the treatment of urinary incontinence disorders. Answer: 1. Discuss the role/action of phenazopyridine (Pyridium) in urinary tract infections. Discuss client teaching in relation to this medication. Answer: 2. Discuss care of clients following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Answer: 3. Discuss assessment findings common to clients with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Answer: 4. Explain the difference between pre-renal, intra-renal, and post-renal causes of kidney injury; provide example of each category. a. Pre-renal: b. Intra-renal c. Post-renal 5. Discuss MAP (mean arterial pressure) and its relationship to renal function. Answer: 6 Describe common causes of paronychia. Answer Discuss psoriasis: a. Manifestations b. Assessment c. Causes d. Treatment/nursing interventions Answer: 7 Discuss care of client with toxic epidermal necrolysis. Answer: 8 Describe manifestations common to each phase of a burn injury; describe manifestations that represent a shift from one stage to the next. Answer: 9 Describe nursing interventions to prevent auto-contamination. Answer: 10 Describe mechanism of action that causes diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA); discuss treatment of choice. Answer: 11 Describe mechanism of action that causes hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar state; discuss treatment of choice. Answer: 12 Discuss the goals for blood glucose levels in clients prior to surgery. Answer: 13 Discuss acute glomerulonephritis: a. Causes: b. Symptoms: c. Complications: d. Assessment/Monitoring: e. Use of plasmapheresis: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT DISPLAYED ON THE WEBSITE AND GET A DISCOUNT FOR YOUR PAPER NOW!