Discuss Hydro Electric Power Plant.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a electrical engineering writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Th ewater from the upstream side is guided to the power house through the panstocks which discharges water up the inlet of the hydraulic turbines. The turbines convert maximum of kinetic energy of the flowing water into mechanical energy. The remaining part is considered as loss in the turbine and pipes. The mechanincal energy of the turbine is transmitted through a coupling shaft to be electrical generator. A little part of the total kinetic energy of the water is carried away with itself as it is discharged by the turbine to the outside atmoshphere through the tail race. The types of primemovers or tturbine used for driving hydroelectric generators depend on the difference of level of water known as hydraulic head. For low head up to 50m, vertical shaft francis turbines can be used for high heads up to 200m and the shafts may be horizontal. For head above 175m, usually another primemover called the pelton whwwl is used. Kaplin and propeller turbines are also used for low heads.