Discuss the feasibility of implementing the proposed solution in the work setting. ?

Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal ________________________________________ 1. Complete Section A: Problem Identification (Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI). The central line care bundle practices were implemented in Critical Care in June 2012 and the compliance to the use of all the elements of the central line care bundle had been low. Identify a work-setting problem (Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) ? Describe a problem or issue that needs a solution. ? Provide support that the problem or issue is an important one to solve (include statistics). ? State a project objective that is specific, realistic, and measureable. ? Describe briefly the proposed solution (Educational Program to educate nursing staff regarding pressure ulcer in home health care setting) and the way in which it will solve the problem or issue 2. Complete Section B: Solution Description (an educational program regarding the elements of the central line care bundle and the empowerment of nurses to hold off on any central line insertion if any of the bundle elements is not adhered to. The educational program will also include Infection Control guidelines as per recommendation of the Center for Disease Control). For nursing staff of Intensive care (Hospital- Kendall Regional Medical Center) Develop a description of the proposed solution ? Describe the proposed solution. ? Describe the way(s) in which the proposed solution is consistent with current research knowledge. ? Discuss the feasibility of implementing the proposed solution in the work setting. ? Discuss the way(s) in which the proposed solution is consistent with organization or community culture and resources. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT

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