

The Clifton Strengths and Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness assessments offered numerous insights about me. Both assessments identify my strengths and weaknesses. Learning and practicing both will increase my self-awareness and allow me to feel good about myself as I better accomplish my life goals of earning a master’s degree, moving forward in my career, and better myself. I will gain insight into the people surrounding me, allowing me to make better decisions, problem solve, provide a cohesive unit with my co-workers, and learn about myself.

I hope to gain knowledge of my emotional intelligence to communicate better, become open to feedback, consider others, their ideas and feelings, build teamwork, and make better decisions overall. I now have a new challenge to improve my self-awareness and emotional intelligence through the feedback of others who are a part of my life, whether friends, loved ones, or co-workers. 

After researching emotional intelligence, I found an article that explains self-awareness and emotional intelligence: “Self-awareness helps us manage our emotions everywhere we go. Our emotional intelligence relies on our self-awareness to be aware of how we feel and clearly express our emotions. It also shows us how to practice “self-acceptance and acknowledge our emotions rather than push them away. (Perry,2022)

Perry, E (2022, September 19) How Self-Knowlege Builds Success: Self Awareness in the Workplace. https://www.betterup.com/blog/self-awareness-in-the-workplace?hsamp=true#four