

Research and select an online tool that can be used to create a brochure or pamphlet to share with early childhood and early childhood special education professionals. Prepare an educational brochure about the five stages of language development in young children that could be shared with families of early childhood students. Include the following in your brochure:

  • Describe the stages of language development from birth to age 5 according to the information in the textbook.
  • Describe expressive and receptive language, how each develops, and how they relate to language development.
  • Examples of how teachers can support language development at each stage.
  • A description of 3-5 online resources families can refer to for more information on language development, including a link to each resource.

In a 250-500 word reflection, research and select two language acquisition models/theories to explain. Include the following for each model:

  • Summarize the basic components.
  • Describe the commonalities and differences between the two models/theories.
  • Describe the language acquisition model/theory that resonates with the type of classroom you envision and that you expect to use in your classroom.
  • Describe the age/grade range for your ideal classroom and provide specific examples of why the selected model/theory would be most appropriate for your future classroom.

Support your brochure and reflection with a minimum of 3-5 scholarly resources.

While APA Style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.