Discussion Post

Effective management is a multifaceted task and one that is not easily completed. For this discussion, please answer the following questions in your own words:

  • What makes an effective manager?
  • Is effective management something a person can learn to do, or are they born with it?
  • When have you witnessed effective or ineffective management?
  • What do you feel is the most important aspect of managing effectively?

Discussion Instructions (Initial Post is Require before Viewing Peer Posts): You are required to submit a substantial response. A substantial response stays on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. Substantial Content refers to providing relevant content to the actual topic of the discussions. This includes quality input, questions and information in your discussion posts and responses to peers.

The deliverable length of an initial posting must be at least 150 words. After the initial posting, students are required to respond to at least two (2) peer responses. Peer responses must be at least 50 words for each response, to receive full credit. Discussions must be the students original thoughts based on the topics from the Open Educational Resource (OER) Course Textbook and/or other referenced sources. Direct quotes from references must be less than 10 words. Please review postings for sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation errors.

Plagiarized discussions will result in a 0 for the submission of this assignment.

Late submissions are not accepted for discussions.

All assignment(s) derive from the OER Textbook. For academic purposes, you will at a minimum reference the OER Textbook, and present 1 citation from the OER Textbook in support of your writing.

  • All Discussions Grade Weight Total: 20%APA format assistance: All student writing assignments will be assessed for grading using the Valencia College “Rubric of Assessment for Written Communication”Rubric Link: