There is no real healthcare reform of nurse practitioner with limited prescriptive priviledges Melynk and Fineout-Overholt (2011) note that there are seven steps to the evidence-based practice (EBP) process. The first step is to cultivate a spirit of inquiry. To encourage this spirit of inquiry, you are asked in this discussion to: Briefly describe the problem or issue that you have decided to be the topic for your project proposal in order to orient your classmates and faculty Indicate how it relates to your area of specialization (Advance Nurse Practitioner) State your PICOT question. Indicate in parentheses after each segment, what part of PICOT the preceding words represent. For example: In patients recently discharged from the hospital following care for heart failure (P), do hand-off calls by the nurse to the primary care provider using the SBAR format (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) (I) compared to no calls (C) decrease readmission rates (O) over a one year period (T). Discuss which process model resonates with you and will help keep you focused during the project. Process models included in your text (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011) are: Clinical scholar model Stetler model of evidence-based practice Iowa model of evidence-based practice to promote quality care Model for evidence-based practice change by Rosswurm and Larrabee Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) Model Provide feedback to your classmates that focuses on: The use of correct PICOT format for the question to guide the literature search. Does the question reflect a clinical research question or one appropriate for an evidence-based practice project? Place this order with us and get 18% discount now! to earn your discount enter this code: special18 If you need assistance chat with us now by clicking the live chat button.