
Primary Diagnosis: ADHD


Status/Condition: Stable


Code Status: Full Code


Allergies: Not know allergies


Admit to Unit: Outpatient setting


Activity Level: Full


Diet: Regular


IVF (if ordered, include type and rate ): Not needed


Critical Drips (If ordered, include type and rate.  Do not defer to ICU Protocol): Not needed


Respiratory:  None


Medications:  Vyvanse 10 mg daily ( when diagnosis is confirmed)

Nursing Orders: Follow up as outpatient


Follow Up Lab tests: Behavioral therapy, Primary care follow up. Cardiology follow up prior starting the medication


Diagnostic testing : Ekg , ADHD assessment tool to be completed by parent and teachers


Consults: Behavioral therapist, cardiology

Patient Education and Health Promotion (address age-appropriate patient education if applicable): ADHD copping mechanism, tools for concentration discussion, parent education in regards to ADHD coping mechanism, discussion for ADHD resources available at school and at state level.


Discharge planning and required follow-up care: Outpatient


References (minimum of 3, timely references, that prove this plan follows current standard of care).