electric taxi website

Learning Goal: I’m working on a html / css project and need support to help me learn.

The submission should contain:

An easy to navigate website (covers P4-P5) that includes:

1. Navigation Bootstrap components: Carousel, Navbar, Breadcrumbs, Tabs.

2. Responsive layout using Bootstrap column system.

3. Basic scripting with JavaScript.


Responsive design (20%): The entire website is responsive, meaning all the pages adapt to

different screen sizes, e.g., phones, tablets, etc.

Menu (20%). The website should have a main menu bad with at least four menus including


Carousel (20%). The carousel should have appropriately sized relevant images with captions. The

carousel should be responsive.

Other Navigation (20%). There should breadcrumbs in all side pages. The breadcrumbs should

reflect the correct navigation of the website. Also, tabs should be used where appropriate.

Script (20%). The website should include an interactive form that calculates something relevant

based on the logic of your website (e.g. calculate the price of an item by factoring the quantity and

discount, etc.). There should be a JS callback function.