English-Response to discussion board 8


1. ‘Unwomen’ are any women who go against the Gilead gender roles and rules. Offreds mother was an independent strong willed single mother, who was also an activist. This goes against how Gilead wanted their women to behave. The Aunts mute the ‘unwomen’ in the film because they’re thoughts and feelings are considered worthless in Gilead.  

2. I understand why Offred would be excited for ‘Birth Day’ because any birth, regardless of the situation is special. It also allows them to break from their normal routine, which given their life, can be a big deal. Of course she would need to prepare emotionally and physically because assisting anyone with a birth can be taxing. I do not think Offred is a true believer but I do think she wants a child, to simply have a child. Which is why she there and if she doesn’t have a child, she will be moved and she only recently developed a working relationship with the Commander. 

3. “He was not a monster, to her. Probably had some endearing trait.”

The relationship between the Commander and Offred is changing as Offred is attempting to cope while also trying to navigate the complexities of her new life. The thought that she maybe trying to find something endearing about the Commander is a hard concept. Especially considering he is part of the reason Offred lost her freedom and help build the foundation of Gilead. 

4. Offred felt that she became her husbands property after the government ban her from working or having control over her own money is interesting. We all know the cost of living and many people live in a two income household. The fact she was no longer allow to work or use money would be a hard concept for anyone to have to deal with. However, I do not think she reflected on the fact that her husband was accepting of his finacinal responsibly to care not only for her but their daughter and was willing to do so. She seemed more focused on her lack of control. Moria on the other hand just blames men in general. This time period in the book reminded me of the “Walk to Freedom” and the civil rights movement lead by Martin Luther King. 

5. The Commander’s explanation for Gilead is garbage. There is no justification for slavery.

6. In the passage Offred is describing love as not only a feeling but something felt through physical touch, something tangible that you yearn for. The contemporary concept of love is similar to religion, to understand love is to understand religion and to know love, is to know pain. All three of them are intertwined but it is hard to say if they are rational or not. 

7. Do you think Offred really loves Nick or using him?