Evaluate the film “The Great Gatsby” and compare it to the song Made it in America By Jay-Z.

Evaluate the film “The Great Gatsby” and compare it to the song Made it in America By Jay-Z.
Writing Project 2: Annotated Bibliography Minimum Length: 100-200 words per annotation (not including quoted material) Format: MLA Format Value: 200 points (20%) The annotated bibliography will provide the foundation for the major research essay. Essentially, your annotated bibliography will consist of an introductory paragraph (or paragraphs totaling at least 250 words) that introduces your topic, briefly summarizes your research process, and establishes your controlling idea for the major research essay, followed by a series of analytical summaries (annotations) of at least six (6) and no more than eight (8) secondary sources related to your topic for the major research essay The Purpose The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Each annotation should summarize the content of your source and explore the strength of the source by analyzing and evaluating the amount and quality of information contained within it. The following questions might help you focus your analysis of each source: Who tends to write about this topic and why? What questions tend to be asked about this topic? What positions tend to be taken toward the topic? What sorts of journals tend to publish information about this subject? What kinds of magazines, journals, newspapers, books, Internet sites, or governmental databases provide the best sources of information and/or debate on this subject and why? What questions are left unasked and/or unanswered? What Is an Annotated Bibliography? An annotated bibliography consists of an alphabetical list of bibliographic citations of all the secondary sources you will use in your major research project followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. For our purposes, each annotation should be between 100 and 200 words in length (not including direct quotes from the source). Here is an example of one such entry from an annotated bibliography:??Cohen, Carl. The Proven Accomplishments of Animal Research. The Animal Rights Debate. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield, 2001. 119-23. Cohen begins this chapter by discussing Nobel Prize winners who used animals in the course of their research. One example is Max Theiler, who experimented on monkeys and mice when developing a Yellow Fever vaccine. The philosophy professor describes how animals provide a fundamental understanding of how the human body operates, from the nervous system to vision. Cohen believes that [t]his momentous role that animals play in medical investigation is not widely enough understood (120). Cohen supports the use of animals in research and even praises those who have used animals for medical advancement. He also expresses the benefit animals have received from animal research, including vaccines for rabies, infectious hepatitis, and feline leukemia. Cohen makes the reader consider many choices, such as the death and pain inflicted on animals versus death and pain inflicted on humans, and provides more choices for readers to consider before they decide how they feel about the subject. The comparison will provide a close balance regarding the argument of animal research. (167 words) Research and Secondary Sources Please scroll down to view everything.??Of the six secondary sources required for this assignment, at least four (4) must be sources that originally appeared in print (i.e., in books, academic journal articles, government reports, etc.); the remaining secondary sources can be any kind of credible sources (Internet sources, documentary films, interviews, etc.). You must research and find secondary sources that are more academic and that discuss your primary texts (or topics related to the texts) more deeply and more analytically than a basic review or plot summary can. The Academic Search Complete database (which can be found on the Columbus State library website) might be a very useful place to begin your search for secondary sources. Keep in mind that many of the online databases (such as Academic Search Complete, MLA International Bibliography, etc.) offer access to full-text articles from print sources, so I highly recommend you search one of those databases for reliable secondary sources. I also recommend that you go to the “Research” area of the course (located on Blackboard), which contains interactive guides that can help you significantly as you research your topic for the major research essay. Keep in mind that your secondary sources dont necessarily have to directly discuss the primary texts youve chosen (although its helpful when they do). For instance, your secondary sources could provide biographical information, historical information, cultural information, etc. Here is a list of secondary sources that you CANNOT use: any assigned readings for this course any of the textbooks for this course encyclopedias or dictionaries of any kind (including Wikipedia) Master Plots or Cliffs Notes book reviews abstracts juvenile/children’s books YouTube DVD commentaries Writing Project 2 Requirements Please scroll down to view everything.? An interesting and informative working title for the major research essay An introductory paragraph of at least 250 words that establishes your topic, discusses your research process, and establishes a controlling idea for your research A minimum of six (6) secondary sources, four (4) of which are sources that originally appeared in print form Annotations (analytical summaries) of between 100 and 200 words (not including direct quotes) for each source An awareness of audience, purpose, and context An appropriate voice, tone, style, and level of formality An analysis of argumentative strategies and/or persuasive appeals present in each secondary source Concise summary of each source (What is the main point/topic of the source?) Informative evaluation of each source (How valuable/informative/relevant is the source?) An identifiable structure, including introduction, bibliographic citations, and analytical summaries Appropriate mechanics and format Effective use of syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling Proper documentation of secondary sources At least one direct quote from each secondary source included in each annotation Appropriate textual conventions for incorporating ideas from sources, e.g., introducing and incorporating quotations; quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing My proposal for this assignment is In my paper I want to evaluate the film The Great Gatsby and compare it to the song Made it in America By Jay-Z. (This is your topic for this assignment) I love the idea of doing what you feel necessary to find your happiness and live that American dream. I feel like Jay-Z touched a lot of basis that can relate well to The Great Gatsby film. Kanye West and Frank Ocean were also featured on the song and brought their own journeys, and experiences into the picture. I plan to gather research from the sources that illustrate Jay-Zs up and comings like, journals articles, books, and also to see and compare others success stories. I look to successful people as motivation for myself to keep going and striving to my goals. As I watched the film years ago, I was in love with Jay Gatbys home, it was huge and just beautiful and one day I strive to own one for myself, and I know that Im not the only one to feel this way when watching that film or even listening to the song. Its the American way to turn dreams to reality.

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