Critically review how the NHS reforms are aiming to improve health care delivered to local communities. Evaluate the usefulness and success of these changes to health and care delivery.” This assignment is intended to assess the following learning outcomes: 4. Critically evaluate the changes to the NHS at the local level. 5. Work with health policy leaders and innovators 6. Review alternatives to traditional care delivery services. 7. Appreciate the role of health commissioners. 9. Use the web for information gathering and communication All work is to be submitted electronically via Turnitin on UEL Plus. All work must be correctly and fully referenced. Use may be made of reputable web sources. Please consult Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2008) Cite them right. 3rd edn. Newcastle: Pear Tree Books. “Critically review how the NHS reforms are aiming to improve health care delivered to local communities. Evaluate the usefulness and success of these changes to health and care delivery.” Word counts: If the assignment has a word count, the following rules apply: All words within the text are to be included in the word count. Any work which does not keep within 10% of the set word count will receive a penalty, which will be a deduction of 10% of the marks originally awarded, except in cases where this would take you below the threshold mark for the component. The word count does not include the list of references at the end of the work or the question title.