Final Portfolio

Portfolio Prompt:

Objective: Compile three pieces of your writing from this semester into a portfolio that showcases your development as a writer. Include a reflective cover letter that discusses your writing process, the evolution of your skills, and your understanding of the course concepts.


  1. Three Writing Samples:
    • Select three pieces of writing that you have completed during this semester. These can include essays, research papers, reflective writings, or any other assignments that demonstrate your best work and your progression as a writer.
  2. Reflective Cover Letter:
    • Write a cover letter that reflects on your journey as a writer over the course. This letter should introduce your portfolio, discuss your writing process, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and explain how you have used feedback to improve your writing.

Instructions for Assembling the Portfolio:

Step 1: Selecting Writing Samples

  1. Review Your Work: Go through all the writing assignments you have completed this semester.
  2. Evaluate Your Progress: Choose pieces that highlight your improvement and showcase your best skills. Consider including a variety of types (e.g., narrative, analytical, persuasive).
  3. Finalize Selections: Pick three samples that best meet these criteria.

Step 2: Writing the Reflective Cover Letter

  1. Introduction:
    • Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the purpose of the portfolio.
    • Mention the types of writing included and why you selected these specific pieces.
  2. Body Paragraphs:
    • Paragraph 1: Describe your writing process throughout the semester. Discuss how you approach writing assignments from planning to drafting to revising.
    • Paragraph 2: Analyze the strengths and weaknesses in your writing as evidenced in your portfolio. Reflect on what you have learned about writing effectively.
    • Paragraph 3: Discuss how you incorporated feedback into your revisions and how that feedback helped you evolve as a writer.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Summarize your overall growth as a writer.
    • Explain how you would grade your effort this semester and why.


      Document 1 should be your cover letter. Documents 2-4 should be the three pieces of writing you choose along with a note indicating why you chose each one