Final Reflection

Tell us what you are taking from this course and any “ah-ha” moments (final reflection). Please be sure to refer to specific activities, assignments, discussions, module content, or readings from the course schedule or course syllabus that stick out for you. It is recommended that you review the course schedule or course syllabus to jog your memory.

I enjoyed learning about cultural diversity and language .

Module 1: Basic Concepts of Language – Key Vocabulary

 Discussion: Introductions and Basic Concepts of Language

Module 2 Language Development Key Vocabulary

Module 2 Discussion: Hour of Silence This was one of those aww moments for me to have to be quiet for an hour with my non-verbale students.

Module 3: Cultural Diversity and Language Differences Key Vocabulary

Module 3 Discussion: English Language Learners with Disabilities


Module 3: ELL students with disabilities

English Language Learners with Disabilities

Module 4: Language Assessment and Instruction for School-Age Children and Adolescents

Module 5: Reading Concepts, Assessment, and General Instructional Strategies

Module 5 Discussion: Semantics

Module 6: Reading Instruction Strategies

Module 7: Handwriting, Spelling, and Language Instruction, Written Expression

module 7 literacy

Module 8: Adolescents and Language Disabilities and Technology to Enhance Communication

Module 10: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Alternative Access

Polloway, E. A. Smith, T. C. E., Miller, L. (2019). Language Instruction for Students with Disabilities. 5th Edition, Pro-Ed, Austin, TX. Paperback Version: ISBN: 978-1416411598. E-book: 978-1416411604