Follow below sequence to prepare your term project presentations (based on literature review)

Below is my idea information about this topic, I need 2 cases studies about corrosion in Drilling Fluids:

– First case: corrosion on lab equipment ( show real work experiment, graphs, etc.) show me the solution how to prevent the corrosion, why corrosion occur in this equipment, types, etc.

– Second Case: Drilling in Pipes or felids ( large scale) in oil and gas industry ( find research, show me graphs, materials use, show tables differences etc.) show me the solution how to prevent the corrosion, why corrosion occur in this equipment, types, etc.

Then, compare the materials and two cases after all, we can find out what are most corrosive environment and why …etc.

I need reference for both cases

  • Project Title: The study of corrosivedrilling fluids and its effects on lab equipment as well as drilling pipes atlarger scale.
  • Project Background/Importance: In drilling for oil or gas operationsoperators must uses drilling fluids in order to reach oil and gas reservoirs.Depending on what we are drilling we use different kind of drilling fluidsusing some additives to control the drilling operations, however, somechemicals are corrosive and some are when mixing with other chemicals. This isa common issue that are worth studying to prevent corrosion which ultimatelywill reduce the cost of drilling.
  • Project Execuation:Potentially preparing drilling fluidsystem that is corrosive and then looking at its effect on on metals, thencoming up with a cheap inhibitor that will not effect properties of drillingfluid but also working to prevent corrosion
  • Explain howthis project and its outcomes will be usefulfor the industry where you are working and/or for your own learning?This type of problems cost Aramcomillions annually and bringing up new solutions will be very beneficial to theindustry of oil and gas.It will benefit to have a hands onexperience on drilling fluid and enhance my knowledge of drilling for oil andgas which is most common type of energy at our time being.
  • —— BELOW is the requirement for the term project presentation in PowerPoint for the presentation, also in word file for report.
  • Project Background/Importance
  • Project objectives:
  • Related Corrosion/material corrosion mechanisms
  • Case studies (1~2)
  • Conclusions
  • References