
1. Health Promotion Presentation (10% of Grade) (CC 1. a, b, c) (Group Assignment video presentation) – Students will prepare and present an overview of a chosen special populations’ (child, adolescent, elderly) unique health promotion needs. The 10–15- minute presentation should include 5-6 slides, along with a title and a reference.

Health Promotion Presentation Rubric

Good 10 points

Proficient 15 points

Distinguished 20 points


How the selected population demonstrates they have deficient knowledge regarding the topic.

Performs needs assessment. Establishes barriers to successful learning.

Performs needs assessment. Partially identifies special needs. Partially determines learning style. Identifies barriers to successful learning.

Performs needs assessment. Identify special needs. Determines preferred learning style. Establishes readiness to learn.


What is the problem or needs of the selected population

Shows that the major problem is not identified.

The major problem is identified but analysis is not fully developed.

Analysis is fully developed. It shows with evidence the importance of the major identified issues.

Outcome identification

Always: the participant will

Goal for teaching is identified.

Goal for teaching is identified. Objectives are established.

Goal for teaching is identified with clear and measurable goals.

Health Promotion Activities

How you will teach the population, rationale is scientific evidence that this information was taken from a reliable source and will explain why teaching this will help encourage understanding.

Determines method of presentation. Identify required materials.

Reflects on teaching needs of the patient. Identify where teaching will take place. Identify required materials.

Synthesizes patient needs and chosen method of presentation. Identify required materials. Identify where teaching will take place.Create positive learning environment.Formulate lesson/teaching plan supported by scientific rationale.

Oral Presentation and presentation materials

The presentation includes visual aids that are inappropriate, disorganized, and with little appeal. Reads slides and speaks in monotone. Conveys a lack of caring and does not engage learners,

Visual tools are used but there are few and encourage minimal participation. Presenter speaks clearly and is knowledgeable, but information is not as well developed and organized.

Visual tools are creative and encourage participation. Presenter is articulate, knowledgeable, organized, information well developed.