Higher. education

please respond to christie with. 400. words. a p a style. citations, and references

My understanding of college students has changed through this course since I have become more knowledgeable about the diverse groups of students attending college today. Each of these students come from different backgrounds, with different needs and situations. They also tend to have lower socioeconomic backgrounds and many cannot afford to stay in school and earn a degree. A study conducted at the University of Southern California found that students from underrepresented backgrounds such as racial minorities and lower social classes had more diverse encounters with other college students and reported more inclusion and performed better academically (Carey, et al., 2023). This course has also opened my mind to many legal issues students have faced both past and present, such as discrimination, equality, retaliation, lack of due process and many others that we have studied this module. The law cases we have studied brought these issues to light and I realized just how many legal issues arise while students attend college.

There are three practical lessons I learned in this course that will enable me to effectively educate college students. First, is to establish a sense of student belonging, so that they can understand the institutions culture and feel that they are part of the school community. By holding many college events the students are motivated to become more engaged with other students, faculty and staff. Next, students need to be better prepared to face their careers after graduation. Helping students develop practical skills they need to succeed in their chosen field along with applying those skills to real world situations is the key to success. Lastly, students need to realize that college is an opportunity to learn to live alongside of others who share different opinions. It means learning to listen to others viewpoints and having an open mind.

In order to be truly successful, college students will need to place God first in their lives. They will need a higher power to give them the strength for the journey. Since the road to earning a degree has many obstacles, God can provide the assistance in making the road traveled more positive and rewarding. As stated in Psalm 25:4-5, Show me your ways, Lord teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my God and Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (The New King James Version, 2020). This is a verse that all college students can use along the road to earning their degree.

Carey, R.M., Stephens, N., Townsend, S.S.M,. & Hamedsni, M. (2023). College campuses are becoming more diverse, but how

much do students from different backgrounds actually interact?