How does breast cancer impact on the psychological well-being of women
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Contents page
Abstract.. 1.1
Background and rationale for the study1.2
Aim of the study1.3
Objectives of the study..1.4
Literature search strategy..1.5.1
Ethics and anti-oppressive practice considerations..1.5.2
Outline of the study.1.6
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 2
The Prevalence of breast cancer among women 2.1
The impact of breast cancer among women .2.2
CHAPTER 3 Application of theory to practice
Legislatives to tackle breast cancer 3.1
Community based Intervention 3.2
Breast Cancer UK . 3.3
Specific Intervention.. 3.4
CHAPTER 4: Conclusion.. 4
Recommendation . 4.1
Reflection 4.2
Reference 4.3
1.2. Overviews the background of breast cancer among women diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK
1.4 Objectives of the study are:
To examine the frequency of breast cancer among all women in UK
(Incidence prevalence and mortality rates/deaths compare years e .g 2008 to 2014/15 and make comments
To analyse the impact of breast cancer on the emotional well-being on women diagnosed and their spouses such as (depression anxiety stress and psychosocial aspects
To analyse the effectiveness of strategies to tackle breast cancer in UK
To identify an appropriate organization justify why choosing the organization and critically analyse one of its specific progammes in relation to breast cancer prevention
1.5 Methods
1.5.1 Literature Search Strategy
This research will collect data from journal articles text books and internet sources. Index pages from text books will be included to notice the chapters within the textbooks that may be related to the research project. Basically peer reviewed journals will be used in this research to review published studies that examined the impact of breast cancer on the psychological well-being of women. The researcher will use the electronic database to access literatures from Google Scholar Pubmed/Medline Science Direct Wiley Online Library Cochrane Library and CINAHL as they contain systematic reviews for health and social care.
Journal articles will be extracted from academic search complete PsycARTICLE. and psycINFO. Identify key words will be used in the literature search
Ethics and anti-oppressive practice considerations.1.5.2 (Ethical Principles)
Examples of ethical issues that can arise with breast cancer patients support the issues with refrences
Chapter 3
Application of theory to practice (brief introduction start with UK Govt
Legislatives/Acts to tackle breast cancer
Community based intervention
Breast cancer UK (introduction)
Identify the main objectives
Specific intervention
Chapter 4
Examples of articles to use e.g. breast cancer + Depression
Breast cancer + Anxiety
Breast cancer + Depression
Level of distress among breast cancer survivors
Cause of distress in breast cancer patients and their spouses
Please all articles should be from UK
Please: Literature review: identify study or survey carried out by specific author; outcome should be identified main findings and comments.