I have a calculus PDF that needs solving.

“”Important note”” Don’t use AI, read through each question carefully, for the last part of the PDF there is a reflection questions in one of those questions it needs you to reflect on one of the comments that was made by your professor so I will provide a screenshot for this comment. ( You may have to use sage I’m not sure if it asks to use it then do use it)

Collaboration Math is a lot more fun with friends. We encourage you to collaborate and to discuss the problem sets with each other. However, it is key that you are able to apply the skills and concepts you learn in class and explain your approach on your own. For this reason, you should not share any written work with each other outside of class and are required to write up all solutions independently. You should also acknowledge the peers you collaborated with on your submission and cite any external resources you consult.

Submission You may choose to type your solutions using LaTeX, Google Documents, or other software. You may also write on a graphic tablet and submit a PDF of your work. Hand-written solutions on paper are also acceptable, so long as they are scanned/photographed clearly and are fully legible. There exist scanning apps that will allow you to take photos of pages and create a PDF from them (Office Lens, for example). Low scores will be assigned for illegible work and/or images of poor quality. All graphs should be included in your PDF file, with a relevant caption.

Assignment Information




  • : Apply computational terminology and tools appropriately in different quantitative contexts.
  • : Apply the tools of integration or interpret the results.
  • : Apply the concept of a limit or continuity and interpret the results.
  • : Employ theoretical tools to analyze or solve a problem.