Purpose and Overview
The purposes of this assignment, the first of the three papers you will write, are to (1) identify a researchable problem in your area of practice, (2) discuss the significance of the problem to nursing, (3) formulate a research question, and (4) identify relevant outcome variables.
Identify a research problem of interest in your area of practice about which you can write from a personal perspective (for example, nurse staffing on a critical care unit).
In a two-page paper, using APA format:
give the background of the problem;
formulate a clinically relevant research EBP question about the problem, using one of the models from Rebar and Gersch, Box 1.2 or 1.3;
identify desired outcome(s) and clearly relate them to the clinical problem; and
discuss the significance of the problem to the profession of nursing. In this section, discuss the overall importance of quality and process improvement to inform care outcomes.
discuss at least three valuable methods for dissemination of research findings
internal Controls
Internal controls are a vital concern for the auditor and the organization that is audited. Internal controls are not a “one size fits all” proposition. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) has worked to form a foundation of what are the purposes of internal controls and the basic elements of internal controls.
Discusses the five COSO components of internal controls. Include in your discussion what you consider the most important component and why. Explain how auditors evaluate these elements and how the evaluation will affect the audit procedures and the audit of the internal controls over financial reporting. Include answers to the following questions:
1. What is management’s responsibility related to internal control over financial reporting?
2. What is the external auditor’s responsibility over internal control over financial reporting?
3. Assessing deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting: Please define and explain the differences between a control deficiency, a significant internal control deficiencies, and a material weakness in internal control.