Individual Report

Chosen Organisation: Toyota

Introduction (100 words)

– Purpose and Background of the report

Company Overview (200 words)

– Background information about the chosen organisation (Nature of its business, current corporate performance, market positioning, and competitive scenario)

Environmental Analysis (300 words)

– McKinseys 7S Change Management Model (identify the most relevant recent technological or societal changes, utilising the model.

Implications of Changes (500 words)

– Explore the implications of one of the most prominent changes for at least three areas of strategic management, such as resource management, supply chain management, strategic decision-making, and strategic planning.

Opportunities and Challenges of Implications (500 words)

Identify opportunities and challenges to address the implications, for example, involving and empowering staff in decision-making, adopting a sustainable strategic management approach, engaging in sustainability and the circular economy, and implementing new performance measurement systems.

Implementation of identified opportunities (300 words)

Conduct a critical analysis of the current practices and organisational culture to assess the potential for successfully implementing the identified opportunities.

Conclusion (100 words)

Conclude your report with a summary.