must have introduction to forensic psychology research and application by Bartol, curtis r.; Bartol, Anne M. to complete this assignment

After thoroughly reading the information in Chapter 7 regarding developmental factors that may contribute to a child or adolescent ultimately becoming a habitual offender as an adult, you will have the opportunity to analyze a juvenile case of your own.

The entire assignment should be typed in APA style format (e.g., title page, abstract, in-text citations and reference page). The “meat” of your paper (the discussion of the case) should be approximately two (2) typed pages (not including the title page, abstract and reference page).
Please be sure to review the APA style samples within the Assignments section of our class Blackboard site.

After reading the instructions below, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this assignment.


  1. Select a juvenile offender to discuss. You may choose a real or fictional example.
  2. In your introduction, provide a general description, in paragraph form, of the juvenile and their criminal history. At a minimum, please include the following: name, gender, possible ethnicity, age, physical description (e.g., height, weight, body type, noticeable characteristics), description of the offense (e.g, what happened, when, where, who/what was involved, etc.), the number and type(s) of previous offense(s), if any. Please include a photo.
  3. Based on what you have read in Chapter 7, discuss the following in essay format:
    • any developmental factors that may have contributed to the young offender’s criminal behavior.
      • At a minimum, you must thoroughly describe and discuss two different factors from the list of eight (8) described in the book.
        • Your response should reflect that you put some thought into which factors to discuss.
        • If you do not have actual background information on your chosen offender, please use your forensic knowledge, clinical judgment or imagination to speculate on what factors may be relevant for your case.
    • based on your opinion, is this young offender likely to become a habitual offender? Thoroughly explain why or why not?
    • which trajectory model (e.g. Moffitt Theory, Dual Systems Theory, etc.) do you think best fits your offender and why?

4. In your conclusion, please share any reflections that you have about your juvenile case or this assignment.