
EDG 3321 – Lesson Plan Format Brainstorm

Do not make changes to the format of this document.

Only the items in shaded green are required for your brainstorming assignment grade. All remaining sections are required for your final submission in a future module.

Do not submit this template as your final Portfolio #2 assignment.

I. General Information:

Name Lazaro Cepero_____________Subject Area __ Science / Geography

MicroTeach #____1 Grade Level of lesson ___2 / 3 Grade

Lesson Plan Title: __ Where is the animals home

Choose/indicate one Stimulus Variation to be observed during your lesson:

Verbal Focusing Pausing Non-verbal Cues Change Speech Patterns Gestures/Movement

YouTube MicroTeach Video Link here:

II. Standards: (Include a complete standard, as appropriate for the grade level, subject area, and teaching strategy; do not just provide the code, write out the standard)

· The Florida Standards [LAFS, MAFS]:

(See )

ELA.2.C.4.1 Take part in a study in which information is gathered from a variety of sources in order to answer a question regarding a single issue.

III. Objective (use the to complete your ONE SENTENCE objective):

The student will be able to conduct research with the aid of a book, the computer lab, and other supplementary materials to answer a question regarding a single topic.

IV. Content Outline (In this section, you must provide the content/skill you will be TEACHING. For example, this section should include an outline of everything that is in your PPT)

1. PPT Breakdown by slide:

· Slide 1:

· Slide 2:

· Etc.

2. Describe in 2 sentences

· What skill(s) should students know BEFORE they can be successful in your lesson?

· What misconception(s) may students have going into your lesson?

3. You must ALSO include the following, in addition:

1. Information about the storybook/poem/text you chose for this lesson, including the author and title.

2. Identify the SKILL you are teaching (this should come from your standard)

3. What will your DOK questions be (include questions and possible student answers; be sure to label each level of questioning, ex., Level: Recall)

V. Differentiated Instruction Strategies/ (Content, Process, Product):

1. Describe 1 general way you can differentiate the CONTENT for a VISUAL learner.

2. Describe 1 general way you can differentiate the PROCESS for a KINESTHETIC learner.

3. Describe 1 general way you can differentiate the PRODUCT for STRATEGIC, goal-oriented learners.

Consider: Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, and UDL (Universal Design for Learning)

SPECIFIC instructional STRATEGIES for Diverse Learners to learn YOUR LESSON:

Students identified as ELLs (strategies cannot be repeated):

· ELL – List 1 strategy for a student who speaks Spanish (Your strategy should be specific to their native language)

· ELL – List 1 strategy for a student who speaks Creole (Your strategy should be specific to their native language)

Students identified with special learning needs/ESE (strategies cannot be repeated):

· ESE – List 1 strategy for a student who is identified as dyslexic (Your strategy should be specific to their learning disability)

· ESE – List 1 strategy for a student who is identified as ADHD (Your strategy should be specific to their learning disability)

Students with more than typical behavior challenges:

· List 2 strategies for students who have behavior challenges (Your strategy should be specific to the behavior challenge you choose)

· Behavior #1:

· Behavior #2:

VI. Materials: (Include all materials needed for your lesson, including a screenshot of a worksheet, titles of any texts used, supplies needed for activities, link to your PPT, etc.)


Book: Ten Little Night Stars

World map handouts :


VII. Instructional Procedures

a. Set: (What will you do to introduce the content/SKILL of the lesson?)

At the beginning of class, the instructor will once again use the book Ten Little Night Stars as a springboard for discussion. Instructor and class will do a quick recap of last session's activities. After that, the teacher will tell the kids that they need to grab a copy of the book for their groups and that we will be utilizing it today.

b. Body: Use the Gradual Release Model to describe how you will teach your lesson. Be specific in each section below. Demonstrate STRATEGIES. Use this section as your “script” for your lesson.

i. Modeled Instruction / Demonstrate: “I do it – you watch”

The educator will choose a creature at random. Then pick an animal and reflect on it. Context clues will be used by the educator to determine the native range of the animal in question.

ii. Shared Instruction / Guide: “We do it – together”

This is a one-and-done event for both of us.

We use the climate zone map to help us zero in on a certain location. Example: penguins require low temperatures, hence they can only exist in environments with abundant ice. To see whether there are any very icy spots. The global map is used. Our team locates and eliminates all but the coldest of locations. After we locate the animal's habitat. We double-check everything in the computer lab to make sure it's right. In addition to picking up an interesting tidbit about the region. Then, use the blank map to add the animal's habitat and an interesting tidbit about it.

iii. Collaborative Learning: “You do it together – I watch/facilitate”

Students will work in groups to determine the country of origin for seven different animals. making use of the supplied manual and supporting materials. Aiming to get the necessary education material. After that, each group will head to the computers to double-check their work. After that, each team will return to their desk to complete the blank map.

iv. Independent Practice / Independent Learning: “You do it alone”

Independently, students will reflect on the day's lessons by writing about their two favorite topics: the animals they met and the countries they visited.

c. Closure: (How will you summarize the content of the lesson?)

In this activity, students will report on their individual experiences and practices.

VIII. Assessment: (How will you assess that the students met your objective? The assessment MUST connect to the objective and the standard)

The students will be asked questions about the animals in the book and their native countries (such as, "Where is the elephant from?"). Where do you live, and what is the weather like there? Tell me anything interesting and unusual about that country. For each species described herein.

IX. Home Learning: (optional, would your students benefit from revisiting some element of your lesson at home?)

X. References: (Include any links to book readings, websites, citations of storybooks/textbooks, etc., you used to complete this lesson plan here)