Marketing Research Project based on a clear marketing problem or opportunity based on the company theyve been assigned. Also, a Presentation needs to be developed as well, in the form of a Pitch-Presentation

  • Table of Contents:
    1. Introduction
      Brief introduction to explain the background/context of your Brand.
    2. Background
      Research Problem Describe the problem or opportunity youve identified.
      Research Objectives List 3 to 5 Research Objectives your Project will be addressing.
    3. Methodology
      Research Scope Is this research Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory or Predictive?
      Research Sources Explain if youll be using Primary and/or Secondary sources.
      Research Data Explain if youll be collecting Quantitative and/or Qualitative data.
      Information Collection List the methods youll use to collect the data (Interviews, Surveys, Focus Groups, etc.) Sampling Method Develop the sample plan that will be used for the research.
    4. Conclusions
      One or maximum two closure paragraphs with the key Insights
    5. List of References
    6. Appendices (if necessary)
    7. Remember to use: Existing reports, Data, Visuals (Charts and Infographics specially), Google Scholar for Academic References, etcetera. The most important part
      of this Project is to be very well justified, with solid arguments.
      You will present your research in the last session, remember to present data in a visual, engaging, sophisticated, and clear manner. Remember that is important that you justify your answers and include in-text citations throughout the submitted document, as seen in class, as well as a list of references. This directly affects the quality and credibility of your work, as well as your evaluation.

  • Wordcount: Between 2000 words (+/-10%).
  • For the Presentation: You may use PowerPoint, Canva or others for the Presentation.
  • For the Report Document: Use Word (or similar) and turn it into a PDF before submitting it.
  • Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
  • Font: Arial 12,5 pts. Text alignment: Justified.
  • The In-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvards citation style.

  • Apply the appropriate research design methods to obtain insights into the marketing research problems or opportunities.
  • Design the marketing research questions for questionnaires and explain how the data will be analyzed.
  • Translate the research insights into a professional report understandable to marketing managers.