Mini-Business Plan

San Jose State University

Department of Design: Interior Design

Individual Assignment #1

Assignment for Next Class Session (week) #7 Due March 08, 2024

Individually, complete a mini version business plan for a new hypothetical company.

This company does not have to be design related it can be anything you want.

Be creative, have fun! Crazy ideas are welcome.

You will create an outline of a business plan I will show and post some examples in Canvas.

Minimum one to two FULL pages in length, (single spaced).

Use the following, business plan, starter criteria:

  1. Mission Statement
  2. Vision Statement
  3. Choose Type of Legal entity
  4. Need a Business Name and
  5. Business Description / Service
  6. Number of owners / partners
  7. Location
  8. Estimate size at year 1 to 5

Example previous student work:
(examples not indicative of grade)