Networking Tips to Help Build Your Career (What was your first job? Did you learn much in this role?)

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To be successful at networking, you first have to be good at introducing yourself to strangers, which a lot of people are afraid to do.So, where do you start, and how can you be sure that you’ll make a good first impression?

Here are a few things to remember:

Be yourself

The best way to make a connection with people is to just be yourself. Having a genuine conversation with someone, rather than trying to impress them, for example, is much more likely to give them a good impression.

Ask questions, and listen

Another way to make a good first impression is to be curious about other people and ask them questions.

Always take time to listen to others when joining a conversation. Then, ask questions that show that you’ve been listening before you talk about yourself.

Don’t be afraid to ask for introductions

You may find out that the person you’re talking to works with someone you’d love to work for, or at a company you’d really like to join. In this case, don’t be afraid to ask them to introduce you. Being introduced by someone the person already knows is a great way to make a connection right away.

Help others network too

Don’t forget to help other people make connections as well. If people in your industry get to know you as someone who is often helpful, they’re more likely to think of you when new opportunities come up.

Stay connected

It’s easy to lose touch with people after meeting them. But don’t let this happen! Instead, send an email or call them a day or two later to say you really enjoyed meeting them and you would like to stay in touch.