No plagiarism, citation, Apa, references

Module 10: Reading Reflection

Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the online reading of Assessing Students Needs for Assistive Technology (2009) by Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative () and to deepen your understanding of the teaching of thinking, as it relates to the assigned readings. Complete a three-paragraph reflection on both chapters with headings that includes:

  • Reflect – Report the facts of what you read, objectively. (Short, to the point, yet captures “essence” of the text, one paragraph)
  • Connect – Analyze the reading. How does this experience relate to earlier ones? How does it connect to what I already know, believe or feel? Does it reinforce or expand my view? (your second paragraph)
  • Apply – Consider the future impact of the experience on you and the community. How can I use what I have learned from the reading in my current or future teaching? (your third paragraph)