Notes and observations

Learning Goal: I’m working on a anthropology writing question and need support to help me learn.

Notes and Observations: Week 5

listen to this audio and write notes and observations and do citations and page numbers.


For your notes, cover the content of one or more of the myths in each of the following chapters: chapter 24, Raven; chapter 25, African and African American Trickster Stories; and chapter 26, Prometheus. Be sure to include page number citations for these three chapters; assignments without citations will receive a zero. You should also cover the 20-minute Sunyiata video (use timestamps instead of page numbers).

you have to listen to this audio and write the Notes and observations And don’t forget to add citations and page numbers.

Week 7 Notes and Observations

(cover each of the three Arthur/Grail stories, though minimal coverage of the first two is fine, and the Ramayana):

listen to all the audio and write notes and observations. and don’t forget to add captions and page numbers.

All three Notes and Observations are in different PDFs. week 5, week 6, weeks 7