
Week 5 Qualitative Analysis Assignment

Coding Scheme: Challenges of Staying in the Hospital


01 = Too loud (e.g., nurses, roommate, “beeping”)

02 = Food tasted bad

03 = Could not keep food down (e.g., due to sickness, medication)

04 = Problems sleeping (e.g., due to noise, being uncomfortable)

05 = Did not like being awakened (e.g., for vital checks, medication times)

06 = Pain from injury/illness


07 = Does not like “sitting around”

08 = Waiting time for medication

09 = Waiting time for testing

10 = Waiting time for doctor visits

Being Away From Home

11 = Miss family

12 = Miss animals

13 = Wants personal belongings

Staff Issues

14 = Poor communication (e.g., from doctors, nurses)

15 = Medication errors

16 = Staff did not listen to concerns

17 = Feeling that “no one cares”

Other Non-Staff Issues

18 = “Hospital smell”

19 = Hospital-acquired infection (e.g., MRSA, CAUDI)

20 = Theft of personal property

98 = Other: Patient’s written response is not a challenge or doesn’t fit coding scheme.

99 = Unable to decipher meaning of patient response