
Assignment 3. Read Chapter 5 and complete Activity 5.3. In this activity you will identifying three individuals who have had an impact on you. You can use first names or initials to designate the person.

Use the format provided in the example. You can use first person and APA is not required. The submission should be 2-3 pages.


Ginzel, L. (2022) Choosing Leadership: How to Create a Better Future by Building Your Courage, Capacity, and Wisdom.

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1. Who: Mom

Why: She has been my rock

What I have learned:

2. Who: Craig

Why: He is my best friend

What I have learned:

3. Who: Dr. Majed A.

Why: She was my former employer

What I have learned: I worked for Dr. Majed for 5 years at the breast cancer center. She was a Breast cancer surgeon. We thought of each other as sisters. She is the one who told me to go back to school because I was a medical assistant at the time. She stated the only thing I was missing was a piece of paper on the wall.

