Political Science Question

The analytical paper should be about something that truly interest you, so be please be sure to spend some time thinking about what you want to write it on. This is not a descriptive paper in the sense that you are simply reporting on an issue; successful papers must be analytical in nature. This requires that you articulate how/why something poses a problem in society, identify how the use of power produces the problem, critique the structures that sustain the status quo, and imagine alternatives that address the specific problem. These are roughly 6 pages. More information will be given throughout the semester.

The topic that i will be doing is the field of healthcare. A topic that seems to interest me is the role of pharmaceutical companies in the rising cost of healthcare. This topic allows for an in-depth analysis of how pharmaceutical companies influence drug pricing, patent laws, and lobbying efforts. By examining their power dynamics within the healthcare system, I can explore the motivations behind pricing strategies and the impact on accessibility and affordability for patients. Another topic that caught my interest is the healthcare insurance market dynamics and cost escalation. Investigating the intricate relationship between health insurance providers, policy regulations, and healthcare costs offers a comprehensive understanding of the system’s complexities. This topic allows for an exploration of how insurance companies negotiate with healthcare providers, the role of government regulations, and the effects on overall healthcare expenditure. The last topic that I would be interested in is the technological advancements and healthcare expenditure. Exploring the intersection of technological innovation, medical advancements, and healthcare costs provides insights into the balancing act between progress and affordability. I can delve into the cost-effectiveness of new treatments, the influence of medical device manufacturers, and potential avenues for regulating technological developments to ensure equitable access to healthcare.