
Hello, I need to help with my portfolio, this is all the information I think you need to finish it. Please let me know in you need anything, I want it to be perfect as it can !! NOTE : my major is Nursing.

this is the instructions you needed to do the portfolio, please write it in order:

– An introduction that introduces the portfolio and provides definitions of the following concepts (in your own words, and with examples from your experiences with this project)

o Norms

o Socialization
o Social Capital
o Cultural Capital
o Also include an explanation of how these concepts are connected with Social
A list of the tasks you completed during this project.
Re-answer the following questions from the first part of the project. Compare your answers
from the beginning of the semester and now. Submit your new answers and write 1-2
paragraphs reflecting on changes and growth you have experienced.
o Have you learned any additional information about the requirements for getting a job in
your desired career field? (Question 3)
o How relevant do you think the following skills will be for your future goals? (Questions
Reading comprehension
Understanding quantitative information
Being able to locate accurate and reputable sources of information
Critical thinking
Communicating in writing
Speaking in front of others
Being an active and thoughtful listener
Understanding and expressing ideas in more than one language
Working effectively with others to accomplish a goal
o Did any of your answers change? If so, pick 1 that changed and explain in more depth
(about 1 paragraph) what you learned or experienced that changed this answer for you.
If none of your answers changed, select 1 topic where you learned additional
information or had additional experiences this semester that support your original
answer and describe this. (Question 15)
o At the beginning of the semester, you selected 2 of the skills you thought were most
valuable and described how you could work to improve these skills. What progress did
you make on this during this semester? Did you do the things you listed at the beginning
of the semester? (Question 16)
o At the end of this semester, how prepared do you feel for university? Has this answer
changed? (Question 18)
o Consider the questions asking how confident you are that you have specific information,
knowledge, or skills (Questions 19-28). Note any changes in your answer. Also note any
areas that you are still not confident about and reflect on what you can do to improve
your confidence in this area.
o Consider your answers to the questions asking how you would respond to specific
situations that could arise in college (Questions 30-34). Have any of your answers
changed? Have you learned more about how to deal with these situations or had any
experiences with these types of situations this semester?

o Review your answers to the university vocabulary questions (Questions 35-45). Update

and correct your previous answers as needed. If you answered I dont know, do you
now know the answer? Are any of your earlier answers incorrect? What is the correct
o Which of the following are you most interested in developing during your time at RU?
Select up to 3 that you think are the most important to you now. (Question 46)
Develop broad knowledge of the social and natural world
Develop specialized knowledge about a particular subject, field, or topic
Develop effective communications skills
Develop effective skills for working with other people
Develop specific non-academic skills (such as artistic or athletic skills)
Develop a sense of self and purpose
o Why types of courses, activities, or experiences would help you achieve your goals from
the previous question? (Question 47)
o Review the goals you set at the beginning of the semester (Question 48). Did you
achieve these goals? Describe your progress on these goals.
Think about the career field(s) you are considering going into. What are some skills or concepts
from Sociology that relate to or are useful to this field? Identify at least 2 things about Sociology
that apply to your selected career field. Write 1 paragraph for each explaining what the
sociological concept is and how it relates to your field. All concepts should be drawn from
course material.
o For example, if your field involves working with other people (patients, clients,
coworkers) then material this semester related to better understanding and working
with other people might be relevant. Inequality and different access to various social
resources may also be relevant. If you are stuck on this, talk with the instructor.
Answer the following questions about completing the tasks in this project:
o What are you most proud of accomplishing during this project?
o What do you think is the most valuable thing you learned/accomplished during this
o What was the most fun thing you did during this project?
Your portfolio should be typed, double-spaced, with page numbers.
Using AI to draft or write any of your reflections is inappropriate. The point of these prompts is to share
your own experiences; this is not something AI can replicate. Reasonable suspicion that AI was used to
write or fabricate any of the above responses is grounds for a 0 on that component. Use of AI to assist
with editing (for example, using a program like Grammarly) is allowed, but should be noted at the end of
your portfolio.
The portfolio will be graded on completeness, organization, and readability. The introduction and
discussion of sociological concepts will be graded on accuracy.

first the rubric:

roject Portfolio

Project Portfolio

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroIntro is complete and accurate. Social Capital, Cultural Capital, Socialization, and Norms are all accurately defined. There is an example from the project for each one. There is an explanation about how these concepts are related to social stratification.

15 pts

Full Marks

12 pts


9 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts


15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeList of completed tasks

5 pts

Full Marks

4 pts


3 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts


5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf-ReflectionSelf-Reflection questions are re-answered. There is a 1-2 paragraph reflection comparing answering from beginning and end of the semester.

15 pts

Full Marks

12 pts


9 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts


15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCareer FieldAt least two sociological concepts are identified, accurately defined. At least 1 paragraph for each explaining connection with career field.

15 pts

Full Marks

12 pts


9 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts


15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProject ReflectionThe 3 questions about the project are answered completely.

10 pts

Full Marks

8 pts


6 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts


10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting and OrganizationPortfolio is typed, double-spaced, with page numbers. Logically organized.

5 pts

Full Marks

4 pts


3 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts


2nd: the information you need: Question 1

List of Completed Tasks:

  • Check-In 1:
    • Talk with someone “back home.”
    • Attend office hours with a different instructor.
    • Create an email signature.
    • Send a professional email.
    • Complete the University Terminology Worksheet.
  • Check-In 2:
    • Participate in a study group.
    • Attend a workshop at CLS (Career and Learning Services).
    • Plan to complete my degree by spring 2025.
    • Learn how to report emergencies.
    • Introduce myself to someone in my future career field.
  • Check-In 3:
    • Introduce myself to a potential mentor.
    • Try a new type of food.
    • Complete the Titles and Honorifics worksheet.
    • Leave a professional voicemail.
    • Attend office hours with a different instructor. (Required)
  • Check-In 4:
    • – Fun activity on campus.
    • – Teach Dr. S something.
    • – Interview peers about social norms of dating.
    • – Track my screen time.
    • – Ues a map activity.
  • Check-In 5:
    • – US business clothes.
    • – Writing Center.
    • – Planner update.
    • – try something new at gym.
    • – Art show at

– Why are you in university? Why do you want to earn a university degree?

Your Answer:

I am at university to obtain a degree, become a nurse, and achieve my dream of being a successful person. I also aspire to obtain advanced degrees, so the first step in that is to obtain a bachelors degree certificate.

Question 2

What do you hope to do after completing your degree? This can refer to your goals regarding career, family, or other activities.

Your Answer:

I want to complete master’s degree and doctorate, and this goal is to achieve the highest grades in the nursing profession. I also want my family to be proud of me, especially my mother.

Question 3

If you have a specific career goal, what are the requirements to get this job? Are there things you need to do while you are in university (for example, clinical experience, internship, taking certain classes) or after university (for example, pass a licensing exam, continue your education with a specific advanced degree)?

If you do not know the answer to this question, “I don’t know” is an acceptable answer.

Your Answer:

I do know that in general, I need a bachelor’s degree in nursing, a current nursing license, and letters of recommendation.

Question 4

Thinking about your past experiences in school, what were the classes or subjects that you enjoyed the most? What did you enjoy about these classes or subjects?

Your Answer:

I remember when I was in high school, I used to really enjoy science classes, such as biology, physics, and also mathematics. I love scientific subjects, and the way the teachers explained was very interesting and helpful for learning efficiently.

Question 5

Thinking about your past experiences in general (not just in school), what were the activities that you enjoyed the most? What did you enjoy about these activities?

Your Answer:

When I was at my previous university, Southeast Missouri State University, every Friday there was a gathering of international students to talk about different cultures, types of food or traditional clothing for each country. I really enjoyed this international gathering.

How valuable or relevant do you think each of the following skills will be for your future goals?

Question 6

Reading comprehension. Being able to fully understand written text after reading it once or twice.

You Answered

Very valuable

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 7

Understanding quantitative information (numbers and statistics).

Very valuable

You Answered

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 8

Being able to locate accurate and reputable sources of information. Being able to distinguish high-quality and accurate information from low-quality or inaccurate information or misinformation.

You Answered

Very valuable

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 9

Being able to compare multiple sources of information to determine the best next steps when trying to answer a question or solve a problem. This is called “critical thinking”.

Very valuable

You Answered

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 10

Communicating clearly and accurately in writing. Being able to write texts that are easy to understand.

You Answered

Very valuable

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 11

Speaking in front of others confidently.

Very valuable

You Answered

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 12

Being an active and thoughtful listener. Being attention when others speak and being able to remember what was said.

You Answered

Very valuable

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 13

Understanding and expressing ideas in more than one language.

Very valuable

You Answered

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 14

Working effectively with others to accomplish a goal or complete a project.

Very valuable

You Answered

Somewhat valuable

Not valuable

Question 15

Consider your responses to the previous questions about how relevant you think different skills will be for your future goals.

Pick three of your answers and explain in more depth (about 1 paragraph each) why you answered the way you did.

For each of three you select, explain what you are basing your answer on. Is your answer based on past experiences, classes, discussions with people working in the field, what you have seen in media, your own ideas about the field, etc?

Your Answer:

Q8: I see that very valuable for me, I think that the ability to identify certification authorities is a skill required to conduct any research or study. For example, the previous semester I had a subject related to nursing research, and we had to search in references such as books and research, and they must not be older than 5 years. This is because research in a field such as nursing requires that the information be updated with the latest publications in science, and I believe that this is a requirement. In all academic and literary subjects.

Q14: I think for teamwork, sometimes you have value and sometimes working alone is the right decision. So choose a fairly high value. Because I see that if the team is not chosen correctly, or if the team does not know enough about the remaining members, then there will be no point in working in a team, and I prefer to work alone at that time.

Q13: Regarding language, the issue is different in my opinion. I speak two languages: Arabic, which is my mother tongue, and English. But I don’t see it making much difference to people who study or work in their home country, so in my opinion this skill is quite valuable for people in my position who decide to go to another country.

Question 16

Continuing to think about the questions about which skills you think are most valuable, select at least 2 skills that you rated as the most important.

Describe how you will use your time at University to improve or hone this skill. What practical ways can you work to make sure you are as skilled as you can be in these two areas by the time you graduate?

Your Answer:

Q6: I think that reading is a very important skill to learn. In the first place, reading helps to learn new words and terms. The books and articles we read every day increase knowledge of matters related to all fields. Adding to the development of the ability to think analytically and critically.

Q10: I believe that the skill of communicating through writing plays an important role in the learning and knowledge process and is of great value. Because it promotes deep thinking, when you write down what you understood from the lesson, for example, the mind thinks deeply to transmit and understand the information. It is also very important for communicating with others, as communication through writing has become a large part of our daily lives, for example, by sharing ideas and opinions on social networking sites. Even what I do now when I take a test, I communicate through writing with the teacher, and it is very important that the texts I write are easy to understand and clear.

Q12: Listening and remembering information skills play a vital role in the learning and knowledge building process. Giving a broader understanding of the content and enhancing interaction with it, it also improves concentration significantly. In addition to building a knowledge foundation when you remember the information you heard before. For example, improving performance in tasks and tests, the ability to listen well and remember information contribute to improving this, as information can be retrieved efficiently. I think they are skills that constitute a major factor in language learning, as they develop vocabulary and linguistic understanding, and improve communication skills.

University is an example of a social institution (something we will discuss in this course). There are specific norms (social rules) and expectations at university. Knowing the rules and expectations of a specific institution, like university, is something sociologists call Cultural Capital.

Question 17

How long have you been a student at University?

Is University you first college experience, or do you have previous experience in college or university?

Your Answer:

I have been at University for two years, and it is not my first university. I entered the university in 2017 and it was my first university in my hometown, Medina, Saudi Arabia, Taibah University. I also studied nursing, but I had a dream to go to study abroad, so when this opportunity allowed me to..In 2019, I came to the United States of America and was aiming for nursing, but I went after my dream. I entered SEMO, and learned English, and study the pre-nursing there , However , in 2022 because I could not enter its nursing program, and when I decided to come to University , I knew that there was a large community of Saudi students.

Question 18

How prepared do you feel for university? Do you have family and friends who have completed college? Are you a first-generation college student (first-generation college student means the first person in your immediate family to attend college)? If you are an international student, how prepared do you feel for university in the US?

Your Answer:

How prepared are you for college?

I was ready to fully enroll in university in 2017, but with the passage of these many years, I began to wait every year for the moment of graduation, preparing with boredom and boredom at first, but as the weeks passed, I regained my energy by preparing for the prescribed academic subjects and developed a personal plan to achieve my academic and professional goals. During the study period. I also have a strong desire to participate in student activities to enhance my university experience. I work in the OGA office and I love participating in this, to help me spend a useful and enjoyable time during university.

Do you have family and friends who have finished college?

Yes, I have members in my family who have successfully completed their university studies, and they greatly encourage me to achieve similar success.

If you are an international student, how prepared are you to attend college in the United States?

Yes, I am an international student and I prepared well for this experience. During my first year at SEMO, when I was studying the English , I worked hard on enhancing my language skills and preparing for potential cultural challenges. I also built relationships with international and American students. It is true that when I entered university, I was shocked by the difference in studies between universities in Saudi Arabia and universities in US, but I was determined to achieve my dream and return to my homeland and my family with a graduation certificate, and I am still determined to do so, so I always get high grades.

Indicate how confident you are that you have the information, knowledge, or skills for each of the following.

Question 19

I know what majors are minors are offered at University

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 20

I know how to pick the best major and minor for my interests and goals.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 21

I know how to find information about the requirements to complete a specific major or minor.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 22

I know what I need to do to complete my degree in a reasonable time. I know how to plan what I need to take or do to graduate on time. I know if there are classes I need to take in a specific order.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 23

I know where to get help if I need research resources or need to find scholarly articles for a class project.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 24

I know where to go for help if I am struggling with a class.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 25

I know where to go for help if I experience discrimination or harassment on campus.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 26

I know who to go to for help understanding my financial aid situation. I know where to ask questions about billing.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 27

I know how I am going to pay for my time at University

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

Question 28

I know how to read a syllabus and what the important parts of a syllabus are.

You Answered

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not confident

UnansweredQuestion 29

List the areas from the above questions where you are “not confident” you have the information, knowledge, or skills you need.

Select 2 and describe how you can learn the information you need.

If you selected “not confident” for fewer than 2, answer this question based on areas you selected “somewhat confident”. If you are “very confident” on all the listed areas, you can leave this blank.

Your Answer:

Describe what you would do in the following situations. Provide your honest answer based on your current knowledge. “I don’t know, but I think I’d do…” is an acceptable answer.

Question 30

You think an instructor entered a grade incorrectly into Canvas. When the assignment was handed back, it was marked as 90/100, but in Canvas the grade is 70/100. What do you do?

Your Answer:

I think that in such cases, the best solution is to contact the teacher to verify the error and explain the situation. There could be a technical error in the Canvas system or an error in the scoring.

Question 31

You got an unexpectedly low score on an exam. You studied really hard for an exam and were confident you understood the material. During the exam, you felt well prepared and able to answer most of the questions. However, when you get the score back, you got 65%. What do you do?

Your Answer:

I think that starting by checking my answers and understanding the reasons for the deficiency by communicating with the teacher to obtain clarification about the grade awarded is the solution that I will take. If my answers are not at the desired level. It is best for me to seek additional help and evaluate my study method to ensure that I am better prepared for future exams. Because in my opinion, the goal is to use this opportunity to learn and grow instead of indulging in frustration.

Question 32

Something urgent comes up that prevents you from turning in work. You have an important assignment due on Wednesday, but on Tuesday a family member calls and asks you to drive them to appointments the next day because their car broke down. What do you do?

Your Answer:

I think I will do this in the beginning, which is to communicate with my family and explain that I have an assignment, and it is important, and I must finish it on Wednesday, and it is possible to find a common solution. I can also look for someone to act on my behalf. If an alternative solution is not found, I will contact the teacher immediately, notify the situation ahead of time, explain the situation, and negotiate an extension of the assignment submission time.

Question 33

Who is your academic advisor? What is the role of an academic advisor? What should you bring with you or prepare before meeting with your advisor?

Your Answer:

My academic advisor is Dr. McCullough, Kimberly, and I really like her, she is very amazing person. As for the role of the academic advisor, it generally includes guiding students by providing advice in choosing appropriate subjects. In addition to providing information about academic procedures such as registration requirements. The academic advisor also reviews the students academic performance and identifies strong and weak points. For me, before going to review with the academic advisor, I must prepare for what the meeting will be, for example, recording classes for the next semester. I prefer to look at the available classes to have an overview.

Question 34

You are a student-athlete and you know you will have to miss several classes this semester for away games. What should you do? (Answer this question as a hypothetical if you are not a student-athlete).

Your Answer:

If I were a student-athlete and expect to miss several classes due to external sports matches, communicating with teachers is the first solution. They must be notified early of the times and reasons for absence. In addition to obtaining methods for helpful resources, such as obtaining content that I missed through class peers, or even talking with other students in the same situation and exchanging experiences to facilitate obtaining the missed lesson.

Universities have their own vocabulary. For each of the following, provide a definition. You do not need to look anything up; write what you already know. If you do not know, “I do not know” is an acceptable answer.

Question 35

Add/Drop period

What does this mean and when did it end this semester?

Your Answer:

The period for adding and dropping academic classes, which ended on Monday, January 22, 2024.

Question 36

What is an “N grade”?

Your Answer:

I think it is the grade that is given to classes that have a credits of zero, meaning there is no grade “NG”. I see it on my transcript when listing clinical grades.

Question 37

What is in “Incomplete” or “I” grade?

Your Answer:

This grade appears as an Incomplete grade denoted I” when a student has completed part of a course and has passed the majority of the required work for the course, but for reasons beyond the students control, the entire course cannot be completed. For example, I received an incomplete grade the previous fall semester because I did not complete clinicals, and I must complete them this spring semester to get my final grade.

Question 38

A student who “withdraws” from a class receives a grade of “W”. What is withdrawing and when is it something a student should consider?

Your Answer:

Withdrawal from a semester means a decision not to complete the course of study for which one has registered and to withdraw from it before the end of the semester. The reasons for withdrawal vary from one student to another. It may be family circumstances or academic problems, such as difficulty understanding materials. In addition, in some cases, students prefer to withdraw from a course because the withdrawal grade (W) is better on the academic record than an F grade. However, withdrawal policies and withdrawal dates must be taken into account in the first place to avoid any negative impact on this decision.

Question 39

What is a “dean”?

Your Answer:

I think this term refers to the head of a college or the head of a department.

Question 40

What is a “provost”?

Your Answer:

I’m not sure, but I think the second person is right after the dean.

Question 41

What is the difference between a “professor”, “associate professor”, “assistant professor” and a “lecturer”?

Your Answer:

I’m not sure, but I think a professor is someone who undertakes the task of teaching. An associate professor helps him in this teaching process and does so to obtain the title of professor. Assistant professor is an early stage position in teaching. Finally, a lecturer is a person who goes to some educational lectures and gives a lecture as a visitor.

Question 42

What are the colleges at University ? What does “college” mean in this context?

If you have declared a major or know what major you plan to declare, what is your major and what college is this major in?

Your Answer:

I think the word college here means the departments at University. The following departments are available at the university:

Art and Art History

Chemical and Biological Sciences



Historical and International Studies


Languages, Philosophy, Religion, and Cultures

Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics


Performing Arts

Political Science, Sociology & Criminal Justice


Puri School of Business

My major is Nursing and it is located in the Department of Nursing at University

Question 43

What is academic integrity?

Your Answer:

Academic integrity is that teachers, students, researchers, and all members of the academic community act with honesty, trust, respect, and responsibility.

Question 44

What is plagiarism?

Your Answer:

It is to take someone else’s work or ideas and pass them as one’s own.

Question 45

What is Title IX (pronounced “title 9”)?

Your Answer:

I don’t know

Question 46

Which of the following are you most interested in developing during your time at University ? Select up to 3 that you think are the most important to you.

Develop broad knowledge of the social and natural world

You Answered

Develop specialized knowledge about a particular subject, field, or topic

You Answered

Develop effective communication skills

You Answered

Develop effective skills for working with other people

Develop specific non-academic skills (such as artistic or athletic skills)

You Answered

Develop a sense of self and purpose

Question 47

What types of courses, activities, or experiences would help you achieve your goals from the previous question?

Your Answer:

First, with regard to developing specialized knowledge in a specific field, such as nursing for me, what I will do is register for training courses and participate in workshops that bring together student teachers. Secondly, to develop communication skills, working in the OGA office and going to clinics every week greatly enhances this skill. Third, to develop skills in working with others, such as participating in interactive student projects and activities. Fourth and most important, what I aspire to is to develop a sense of self and purpose by studying well in academic courses and achieving my dream of being a nurse, in addition to participating in events and having an enjoyable time in university life.

Question 48

Set three specific goals you would like to achieve this semester.

At least one of these goals should be related to academics and at least one goal should be related to something other than your academics or coursework (for example athletics or fitness, career or job-related, family-related, hobby or leisure activity).

Here is a useful resource on goal setting: Links to an external site.

Your three goals should be specific (for example, “do better in Chemistry” is not a specific goal. “Go to Chemistry tutoring once per week” and “Submit all homework on time” are examples of specific goals.)

Your goals should be reasonable and achievable for you. Each student has different demands on their time and energy; set goals that are appropriate to your individual circumstances.

For each goal, set a timeline or deadline. For example, “go to tutoring once per week until the midterm exam, then adjust goal if needed based on exam results” or “run a total of 25 miles before the start of Spring Break” or “Look up possible internships by the end of February, and apply to at least 2 internships by the end of April.”

Your Answer:

My goals for this semester:

1. Achieving a high GPA in this semester, Spring 2024 (3.5 and higher)

Determine a daily schedule for studying, with fixed times for studying. By studying continuously and completing assignments on time without procrastination. Divide the material into small units and prioritize study based on difficulty. In addition to the importance of developing and preparing a review plan before exams.

2. completing clinical for Adult 1 before spring break:

Prepare a schedule so that the clinics will be two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday, to be completed 5 weeks before the beginning of spring break.

3. Enhancing my physical health and losing approximately 4-5 kilograms at the end of February

Determine a healthy and balanced eating plan by reducing the amount of daily carbohydrates and increasing protein, and scheduling a fixed time to exercise in the gym at least 4 days a week. In addition, track weight progress regularly and adjust the plan if necessary.

Read through the full instruction for the project. The next step will be to begin completing tasks from the checklist. Your first five tasks are due by Feb 9. You can complete the tasks in any order, so you can pick which tasks you want to do first.

Question 49

Which tasks are you most concerned or worried about completing? Why do these tasks worry you?

Your Answer:

I think that the tasks I worried about completing, such as How to File Taxes worksheet, How to get a Passport worksheet, or How to Report an Emergency. Simply because I have not tried doing these tasks in America before and I do not know how they work.

Question 50

Which tasks do you think will be the easiest or most fun to complete? Why?

Your Answer:

I think the assignments required for all students are as easy as doing a study group, go to a fun activity on campus or talk to someone at home. Also, there are fun tasks like trying a new food or watching a sporting event. it is just fan to do, and to take a break form doing difficult thing and try something different.

Question 51

What tasks do you think you will complete for your first five tasks? (It is ok if this changes).

Your Answer:

I think I will do the required ones, because as I said it will fun and easy to do.

Question 52

Did you use Grammarly or any similar software in preparing any of your responses?

You Answered


– these teams you will need to provide in the profile, I take it for the book in this link, please cite this, and use the book as a reference, and write in references page in the end.