
PMHNP Portfolio

· General cover letter for prospective PMHNP employer (letter directly into Webpage, not as an attached document)

· Professional Statements ( into Webpage, do not upload documents):

· Definition of PMHNP role with current reference source (Hyperlink to appropriate websites)

· Scope of Practice with current reference source (Hyperlink to appropriate websites)

· Personal Philosophy of Nursing (Please see resource below for example)

· Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, January 27).  How to write a powerful personal statement Links to an external site.. Indeed. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/how-to-write-a-personal-statement

· Professional Statement (Please see resource below for example)

· Paul, M. (n.d.).  How to your own philosophy of nursing Links to an external site.. Clipboard Academy. https://clipboardacademy.org/how-to-create-your-own-nursing-philosophy/

Example to follow

Answer & Explanation

Solved by verified expert

Answered by LieutenantDonkey2714

  Introduction This portfolio is a collection of documents and other materials that serve as an introduction to my background and skills as a prospective PMHNP. It contains documents such as a cover letter, resume, professional statements, and certifications. Additionally, it includes examples of my practice and teaching, such as SOAP notes and class presentations. This portfolio is intended to showcase my knowledge and experience in the PMHNP field. It is a reflection of my commitment to providing quality care to my patients and to professional excellence.

Cover Letter

Dear Prospective Employer,

I am writing to apply for the position of PMHNP at your organization. I am passionate about the work I do in this field and I am committed to providing quality care to my patients.

I graduated with a Master of Science in Nursing from ABC University in 2020 and am a board certified PMHNP. I have experience in a variety of clinical settings, including inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care facilities. I am proficient in a wide range of clinical skills, including pharmacology and physical/psychosocial assessments. In addition, I have experience in conducting psychotherapy, developing treatment plans, and providing psychoeducation.

I am passionate about providing evidence-based, compassionate care to my patients. I believe in a holistic approach to mental health care and strive to treat the whole person, not just their symptoms. I am committed to advocating for the mental health of my patients and I am passionate about reducing stigma and increasing access to quality mental health care.

I am confident that my experience and skills make me an excellent candidate for this position. I am excited at the prospect of joining your team and look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]



[Link to Document]

Professional StatementsDefinition of PMHNP Role

A Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) is a registered nurse (RN) with advanced education and training in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health conditions. PMHNPs are trained in psychopharmacology and psychotherapy and provide care to individuals, families, and groups. They work with patients to develop individualized treatment plans and provide medication management, psychotherapy, and psychoeducation. PMHNPs collaborate with other mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive care.


Source: American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Links to an external site.. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/psychiatric-mental-health-nurse-practitioner/


Scope of Practice


The scope of practice for PMHNPs varies by state. Generally, they are able to conduct physical and psychosocial assessments, diagnose mental health conditions, develop treatment plans, provide psychotherapy, and prescribe medications. They may also provide case management, crisis intervention, and mental health education.


Source: American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Links to an external site.. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/psychiatric-mental-health-nurse-practitioner/


Personal Philosophy of Nursing


My philosophy of nursing is rooted in the belief that all people deserve access to quality, compassionate care. I believe in a holistic approach to health care that focuses on treating the whole person, not just their symptoms. I strive to provide evidence-based care that is individualized to meet the needs of each patient. I believe in the power of the therapeutic relationship and I strive to create a safe and supportive environment for my patients.

I am committed to advocating for my patients and working to reduce stigma and increase access to quality mental health care. I am passionate about empowering my patients to take an active role in their care and to become advocates for their own health and wellbeing.


Professional Statement


I am a PMHNP with a passion for providing quality, compassionate care to my patients. I believe in a holistic approach to health care that focuses on treating the whole person, not just their symptoms. I strive to provide evidence-based care that is individualized to meet the needs of each patient. I am committed to advocating for my patients and working to reduce stigma and increase access to quality mental health care.

I am passionate about empowering my patients to take an active role in their care and to become advocates for their own health and wellbeing. I am committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for my patients and I strive to build trusting relationships with them. I value collaboration with other healthcare providers and I am dedicated to providing the best care possible to my patients.




All certifications done in previous courses: NU670, 671, 672, and 673

NU672: Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Web-based

This certification course focuses on recognizing and preventing ACEs. It includes topics such as the epidemiology of ACEs, the impact of ACEs on health and wellbeing, screening and assessment for ACEs, and interventions for preventing ACEs.




Two SOAP notes

These SOAP notes were developed as part of a teaching assignment in NU671. They include a subjective assessment of the patient's condition, an objective assessment, a plan of care, and an evaluation of the patient's response to treatment.


Class Presentations


As part of my coursework in NU673, I gave two presentations. The first was on the use of adjunctive therapies in mental health care and the second was on the use of medication in the treatment of mental health conditions. Both presentations included an overview of the topic, relevant research, and a discussion of best practices.



This portfolio is an introduction to my background and skills as a PMHNP. It includes documents such as a cover letter, resume, professional statements, and certifications. Additionally, it includes examples of my practice and teaching, such as SOAP notes and class presentations. This portfolio is intended to showcase my knowledge and experience in the PMHNP field. It is a reflection of my commitment to providing quality care to my patients and to professional excellence.


Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. I look forward to hearing from you.

Step-by-step explanation

 A PMHNP Portfolio is a professional tool used by Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs) to showcase their skills and experience in the field of mental health. The portfolio is intended to provide evidence of the practitioner's proficiency in the areas of assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of psychiatric disorders. It is also used to demonstrate the PMHNP's commitment to providing quality care for patients in their community.

The portfolio includes two main components, the first being the PMHNP's professional qualifications and experience, such as their education, licensure, certifications, and any other relevant professional credentials. The second component includes documentation of the PMHNP's clinical practice, including a description of their patient population, the services they provide, and the results of their treatment. The portfolio should also include letters of recommendation from colleagues and supervisors, as well as any other relevant documents or artifacts.


When creating a PMHNP portfolio, it is important to focus on the accomplishments that make the practitioner stand out from their peers. These accomplishments may include awards, publications, presentations, or other professional activities. The portfolio should also include a copy of the PMHNP's curriculum vitae.


The PMHNP portfolio should be organized in a way that is easy to read and understand. It should be clear and concise, with each section clearly labeled and the contents listed in chronological order. It should also include a summary of the PMHNP's professional accomplishments, such as awards, publications, presentations, or other professional activities.


When creating a PMHNP portfolio, it is important to include evidence of the practitioner's clinical experience and expertise. This can include case studies, treatment plans, documentation of patient results, and other clinical documentation. It is also important to include letters of recommendation from colleagues and supervisors.


The PMHNP portfolio should also include a statement of purpose, which should explain why the practitioner is interested in the field of psychiatric mental health and what they hope to accomplish in their practice. The statement should be concise and should explain why the practitioner is a suitable candidate for the job.


The PMHNP portfolio should also include a list of references, which should include the names and contact information of people the practitioner has worked with in the past. The reference list should include the names of the supervisors, colleagues, and mentors who can verify the practitioner's professional qualifications and experience.


The PMHNP portfolio should also include a list of any continuing education courses the practitioner has taken, such as professional development seminars or workshops. This listing should include information about the course content and the instructor, as well as a description of the practitioner's experience in the course.


Finally, the PMHNP portfolio should include copies of any relevant licenses and certifications held by the practitioner. This may include the PMHNP's nursing license, state license, and certification by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The portfolio should also include any medical or psychiatric certificates and diplomas held by the practitioner.


By creating a comprehensive PMHNP portfolio, the practitioner can demonstrate their qualifications and experience in the field of psychiatric mental health, as well as their commitment to providing quality care for their patients. The portfolio also helps to create a positive impression of the practitioner, which can be beneficial when seeking employment or other professional opportunities.