primary study review resubmission

Learning Goal: I’m working on a global health case study and need support to help me learn.

TEarchers feedback
Anne and I reviewed your submission for the Primary Study Review Assignment and we both agree you didn’t really answer all the questions satisfactorily. We want to give you another chance to revise your answers. I’m going to wait to grade your assignment for now because we hope that you can revise it, and then I will just grade the revised one instead.

You wrote something for each of the following points, but the responses were vague and did not answer the questions specifically concerning the paper you were reviewing:

(in particular, Main Effect Estimates & 95% CIs should include numbers).

rubric: Slide 1 – Study summary (14 points)

  • Study design
  • Study population, location & time period
  • Sample sizes
  • Primary exposure
  • Exposure window
  • Primary outcome
  • Main effect estimates & 95% CIs (and p-values, if available)

Slide 2 – Selection bias (4 points)

  • Potential for selection bias in recruitment strategy and direction of potential influence on results
  • Potential for selection bias in loss-to-follow-up and direction of potential influence on results

Slide 3 – Information bias (6 points)

  • Potential for non-differential or differential exposure misclassification & direction of influence on results
  • Potential for non-differential or differential outcome misclassification & direction of influence on results
  • Potential for recall bias & direction of influence on results

Slide 4 – Confounding (4 points)

  • How does the study design influence the potential for confounding?
  • Did the authors adequately control for confounding (i.e., through matching, covariate adjustment, and or stratification of analyses)?

Slide 5 – Generalizability/External validity (4 points)

  • How well does the study population match the target population? What information would you want to know to answer this?
  • In your opinion, to which population(s) can the study results be applied/generalized?

Citations and References (1 point)

  • All sources are referenced and cited correctly

Please include a complete reference for your study (and any other references) in your slide deck, and use your own words (i.e., do not cut and paste text from the paper). Refer to the page as needed for guidance.


Primary Study Review Rubric

Primary Study Review Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy summary: Study design

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy summary: Study population, location & time period

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy summary: Sample sizes

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy summary: Primary exposure

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy summary: Exposure window

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy summary: Primary outcome

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudy summary: Main effect estimates & 95% CIs (and p-values, if available)

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelection bias: Potential for selection bias in recruitment strategy & direction of potential influence on results

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelection bias: Potential for selection bias in loss-to-follow-up & direction of potential influence on results

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation bias: Potential for non-differential or differential exposure misclassification & direction of influence on results

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation bias: Potential for non-differential or differential outcome misclassification & direction of influence on results

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation bias: Potential for recall bias & direction of influence on results

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConfounding: How does the study design influence the potential for confounding?

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConfounding: Did the authors adequately control for confounding (i.e., through matching, covariate adjustment, and or stratification of analyses)?

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeneralizability/External validity: How well does the study population match the target population? What information would you want to know to answer this?

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeneralizability/External validity: In your opinion, to which population(s) can the study results be applied/generalized?

2 pts

Full Marks

1 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations and References: All sources are referenced and cited correctly.

1 pts

Full Marks

0.5 pts

Partial Marks

0 pts

No Marks

1 pts

Total Points: 33