
For each DQ elaborate within 260-300 words. Use in-text citations accordingly. Use scholarly reference(s). Use and cite references using APA 7th Style Guide accordingly.

DQ 1) Refer to the potential research topic you used during Residency. Identify an instrument used to measure one or more of the variables in the potential study. How does the theoretical framework support the use of the selected instrument? Why is it necessary for the theoretical framework and selected instrument to align with one another? Explain.

DQ 2) Using the instrument identified in the previous discussion question in this topic, briefly describe how at least one of the study variables is scored (What is the number of items on the scale? What type of scale is used for each item (e.g., Likert scale from 1 to 5)? What is the level of measurement for the scale?). What is the meaning of a score near the top of the scale for that variable? A score near the bottom? Why is it important to understand the meanings of the scores? Explain.


Field Work I: Selecting the Instrument for Data Collection


Bastos, J. L., Duquia, R. P., Gonzales-Chica, D. A., Mesa, J. M., Bonamigo, R. R. (2014). Field work I: Selecting the instrument for data collection. Epidemiology and Biostatistics Applied to Dermatology, 89(6), 918-923.

Survey Instrument Validity Part I: Principles of Survey Instrument Development and Validation in Athletic Training Education Research


Burton, L. J., & Mazerolle, S. M. (2011). Survey instrument validity part I: Principles of survey instrument development and validation in athletic training education research. Athletic Training Education Journal, 6(1), 27-35.

Survey Instrument Validity Part II: Validation of a Survey Instrument Examining Athletic Trainers' Knowledge and Practice Beliefs Regarding Exertional Heat Stroke


Burton, L. J., & Mazerolle, S. M. (2011). Survey instrument validity part II: Validation of a survey instrument examining athletic trainers' knowledge and practice beliefs regarding exertional heat stroke. Athletic Training Education Journal, 6(1), 36-45.

Scale Construction: Developing Reliable and Valid Measurement Instruments


Hinkin, T. R., Tracey, J. B., & Enz, C. A. (1997). Scale construction: Developing reliable and valid measurement instruments. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 21(1), 100-120.

Developing Instruments to Measure the Quality of Decisions: Early Results for a Set of Symptom-Driven Decisions


Sepucha, K. R., Levin, C. A., Uzogara, E. E., Barry, M. J., O’Connor, A. M., & Mulley, A. G. (2008). Developing instruments to measure the quality of decisions: Early results for a set of symptom-driven decisions. Patient Education and Counseling, 73(3), 504-510.