Python Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a python question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

In this unit, we explored the basic concepts of fundamental concepts of Iterations and Strings in Python. Before completing this assignment, review the reading material listed below:

  • Chapters 7 – Iterations (p. 63- 69)
  • Chapters 8- Strings (p. 71- 79)

Please ensure that you review all examples presented in Chapters before you work on this assignment.

Write program to display your name and perform following operations on it:

    1. Display n characters from left. (Accept n as input from the user)
    2. Count the number of vowels.
    3. Reverse it.

    The code and its output must be explained technically. The explanation can be provided before or after the code, or in the form of comments within the code. The descriptive part of your response must be at least 200 words.

    If you use an informational source, be sure to identify the source and share the link to the source you used. This is a good time to start practicing some of what you learned about APA in UNIV 1001.