

Watch on-line a New Age Tradition (Mormonism, Jehovahs Witness, Scientology) Service and submit the designated paper by the end of week 7.

Paper instructions for each designated religious service (use the template imbedded in each lesson activity): 

  1. Write a 3-page (or more, if needed) paper about your visit
  2. Give attention to page length and include the following sections: 
    1. First paragraph includes place and date of service.
    2. One full page: Detail the narrative of your visit. (e.g., I arrivedthen I)
    3. One half page: Detail all the aesthetics and symbols in the service
    4. One half page: Articulate the contents of the message
    5. One full page: Evaluate if the practices and teachings are consistent with Christian theology. Utilize Morgan to navigate a comparison with Christian theology, at least addressing the doctrine of God, Scripture, and Salvation.
  3. Paper must be double-spaced (or 24pts), Times New Roman font, 12 pt. font, 1 margins, and include primary headers for your structure. See and use template embedded in each lesson activity.