Research Methods

write an introduction to your literature review. This introduction should give a broad overview of your topic and place it in the proper socio-historical context. It should also give the reader an idea of what to expect regarding the dominant themes described in your literature review. 

You will also write a conclusion to your literature review. The conclusion should summarize the literature that is most relevant to your study, which you are going to describe in chapter three of your dissertation. When your reader finishes the conclusion to your literature review, they should know what has been discovered so far in the domain of interest to you, and they should also have a clear idea of the questions that remain. When the reader gets to your Chapter 3 Methodology, they should have a clear understanding of why your study is relevant. 

This unit, you should also make sure that all headings and subheadings of your literature review have peer-reviewed articles. Its ok to make adjustments to your headings or subheadings, as long as your dissertation chair is on board with these changes. 

Also, the following questions:

  • Has my search been wide enough to ensure I’ve found all the relevant material? 
  • Has it been narrow enough to exclude irrelevant material? 
  • Is the number of sources I’ve used appropriate for the length of my paper? 

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