
Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan Scoring Guide


Evaluate the environmentaland epidemiological dataabout a community todetermine a populationhealth issue.

Does not describeenvironmental andepidemiological dataabout a community.

Describes but does notevaluate environmentaland epidemiological dataabout a community.

Evaluates theenvironmental andepidemiological data abouta community to determine apopulation health issue.

Evaluates the environmental andepidemiological data about a community todetermine a population health issue. Notesthe most relevant data to the populationhealth issue, how environmental factorsaffect the health of the community residents,as well as the level of evidence, validity, andreliability for sources of evidence used.

Develop an ethical healthimprovement plan withoutcome criteria thataddresses the populationhealth issue identified in theevaluation.

Does not describe anethical healthimprovement plan.

Describes an ethical healthimprovement plan.However, the description iseither missing the outcomecriteria or the criteria arenot relevant to populationhealth issue identified ordescribed healthimprovement plan.

Develops an ethical healthimprovement plan withoutcome criteria thataddresses the populationhealth issue identified in theevaluation.

Develops an ethical health improvementplan with outcome criteria that addressesthe population health issue identified in theevaluation. Specifically notes environmentalrealities and challenges existing in thecommunity, potential barriers ormisunderstandings related to variouscultures prevalent in the community, andwhy proposed criteria are appropriate anduseful measures of success.

Explain a plan to applystrategies forcommunicating withcommunity stakeholdersand community members inan ethical, culturallysensitive, and inclusive wayabout the development andimplementation of thepopulation healthimprovement plan.

Does not explain astrategy forcommunicating withcommunitystakeholders andcommunity membersin an ethical, culturallysensitive, andinclusive way.

Explains a communicationstrategy that falls short ofbeing ethical, culturallysensitive, or inclusive.

Explains a plan to applystrategies forcommunicating withcommunity stakeholdersand community members inan ethical, culturallysensitive, and inclusive wayabout the development andimplementation of thepopulation healthimprovement plan.

Explains a plan to apply strategies forcommunicating with communitystakeholders and community members in anethical, culturally sensitive, and inclusiveway about the development andimplementation of the population healthimprovement plan. Specifically notesrelevant community stakeholders, relevant,how communication will be mindful of dataprivacy and help make complex medicalterms understandable to communitymembers regardless of language,disabilities, or level of education.

Explain the value andrelevance of the resourcesused as the basis of apopulation healthimprovement plan.

Does not explain thevalue and relevance ofresources used as thebasis of a populationhealth improvementplan.

Provides a weak or flawedexplanation of the value orrelevance of resourcesused as the basis of apopulation healthimprovement plan.

Explains the value andrelevance of resourcesused as the basis of apopulation healthimprovement plan.

Explains the value and relevance ofresources used as the basis of a populationhealth improvement plan, and impartiallyconsiders conflicting data and otherperspectives.


Communicate the Evidence-Based Population HealthImprovement Plan in aprofessional, effectivemanner that engages thecommunity stakeholders toimplement and sustainchange.

Does notcommunicate theEvidence-BasedPopulation HealthImprovement Plan.

Communicates theEvidence-BasedPopulation HealthImprovement Plan in aprofessional manner. Thecommunication is unclearor disorganized, whichlimits the engagement ofcommunity stakeholders toimplement and sustainchange.

Communicates theEvidence-Based PopulationHealth Improvement Plan ina professional, effectivemanner that engages thecommunity stakeholders toimplement and sustainchange.

Communicates the Evidence-BasedPopulation Health Improvement Plan in aprofessional, effective manner that engagesthe community stakeholders to implementand sustain change. Provides specificactions that the community stakeholderscan take themselves to help provide afeeling of community ownership in the plan.

Integrate relevant andcredible sources ofevidence to supportassertions, correctlyformatting citations andreferences using APA style.

Does not integratecredible sources ofevidence or apply APAformatting to in-textcitations andreferences.

Integrates credible sourcesof evidence, but thesources used is notrelevant or do not wellsupport assertions. APAformatting of in-textcitations and references isincorrect or inconsistent,detracting noticeably fromgood scholarship.

Integrates relevant andcredible sources ofevidence to supportassertions, correctlyformatting citations andreferences using APA style.

Integrates relevant and credible sources ofevidence to support assertions. Exhibitsstrict and nearly flawless adherence to APAstyle of in-text citations and references.