Secure System Design

Learning Goal: I’m working on a networking question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

task 1

Security Analysis (total 20%)

  • Identification of suitable design weakness
  • Appropriate diagram snippet
  • Explanation of suitable design weakness

task 2

System Design Report (total 75%)

  • Financial Breakdown
  • Logical Diagram
  • Logical Explanation
  • Physical Diagram
  • Physical Explanation
  • Service Implementation

Quality of report (total 5%)

  • Professionalism of report
  • Use of references

1. The assignment contains all the details and requirements you have to work including the two diagrams that have the weaknesses attached .

2. The Lecture attached contains how to create the physical and logical network diagram as our doctor needs, also the lab attached has the link to draw the network. the lecture Is very important please refers to it.