Social worker slide for a presentation

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology question and need guidance to help me learn.

Social worker slide for a presentation it need to be very detailed I need enough for a 10 mns presentation

You will choose to focus your work in this assignment on either family or group therapy. I recognize that at this point in the course we’ve reviewed relevant concepts in family therapy but very little so far on groups, but both are viable areas of study for this assignment. In a recorded presentation no more than 10 minutes in length, please address the following prompts:

  • Identify your area of focus (i.e., family or group therapy).
  • Identify the relevance of the practitioner’s in facilitating interventions in the given modality, both from your own perspective and according to existing ideas/research in the field. This is the more “academic” half of the assignment, where you communicate what you’ve learned and attempt to address this issue more analytically and objectively.
  • Based on your use of selves and your understanding of any potential areas or blind spots, how will you navigate the issues youve addressed in your family or group practice? What more would you like to learn in service of this process? This is the more “reflective” half of the assignment, where you’ll consider positionality as it relates to your own experiences.

This will require research on your part, particularly related to the second bullet above. I don’t expect mastery here, but a genuine effort to understand this concept in practice and to enhance your own work as a clinical social worker. Students may use PPT for their presentations if they wish but it isn’t required. Students should plan to share their references in some capacity.

Exemplary work will:

  • Reflect an understanding of existing ideas/research on the relevance of positionality in the facilitation of family or group therapy.
  • Demonstrate critical self-reflection on how this content is relevant to where you currently are in your trajectory as a professional social worker.
  • Meet the standards of graduate course work in terms of the quality of the content, the clarity of the spoken presentation, and the presence of appropriate references.

If you have any questions or concerns about this assignment, you should reach out before it is due! Im glad to respond to any inquiries you may have.

The Positionality Recorded Presentation is worth 10% of your final grade. Exemplary work will earn the full 10 points. Satisfactory work will earn 8 points. A passing grade is 6 points.


This assignment addresses the following module learning objective(s):

  • Apply dimensions of our own experiences and identities to family and group work.