Sociology Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Transgenderism in sports today has created a firestorm of controversy. So, what is the solution that protects the rights of all involved and maintains the sacred honor of fair play in sports.

1. Read the following linked articles regarding Kansas State High School Athletic Association participation policy, and the Duke Law article on the differences between male and female performance in track & field.

  1. KSHSAA Policy: KSHSAA Policies for Transgender Student Participation
  2. Duke Law: Comparing Athletic Performances: The Best Elite Women to Boys and Men
  1. Write: A 2 paragraph response to this quote from the Duke Law article, “Ifwe want to have it all – to respect everyone’s gender identity and still to support girls’ and women’s sport by making a place for athletes with female bodies in competition – what’s the best way forward? What’s the best compromise position? Ultimately, this is the most important question for sports policymakers in this period.”
  2. Write: 1 paragraph personal conclusion addressing “the best way forward” and “the best compromise” in addressing the competition controversy? Be sure to add a citation from the textbook, source provided, or another source of your choice to support your personal conclusion (opinion),


As you respond to the discussion board, remember what is necessary for full credit and what is considered an acceptable post. You must also respond to at least TWO classmates.