Starbucks Case Study Analysis


Please find attached Starbucks case study and answer 


1. Summarize the relevant points 

2. Summarize the business problem / crisis faced by the marketing manager. 

3. Analyze / gain insights from included data. 

4. Describe possible decisions. 

5. Declare what you find to be the best solution / based on the nuances situation, your analysis


 1. Generalize the case to decisions made in competing companies, similar industries, or completely different sectors of the economy. 

2. Prognosticate the future for this kind of case in the future.

 3. Make some determination about how changes in the social, political, legal, or technological sphere will affect this industry or the decision faced. 

4. Write from the experience of your own experiences in industry.

Analyze the case study and answer these questions along with required components and GOOD BECOMES GREAT components.

 1. What factors accounted for the extraordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s? What was so compelling about Starbucks value proposition? What brand image did Starbucks develop during this period? 

2. Why have Starbucks customer satisfaction scores declined? Has the companys service declined, or is it simply measuring satisfaction the wrong way? 

3. How does the Starbucks of 2002 differ from the Starbucks of 1992? 

4. Describe the ideal Starbucks customer from a profitability standpoint. What would it take to ensure that this customer is highly satisfied? How valuable is a highly satisfied customer to Starbucks? 

5. Should Starbucks make the $40 million investment in labor in the stores? Whats the goal of this investment? Is it possible for a mega-brand to deliver customer intimacy?