Strategic Management

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Assessment Brief:

Chosen Company: HSBC Holdings

Introduction (100 words)

1. Identify and analyse the external environmental factors (e.g., political, economic, social, technological, and environmental) that have influenced the company’s strategic direction. (500 words)

2. Identify and analyse the internal environmental factors (e.g., organizational culture, resources, capabilities, and structure) that have influenced the company’s strategic direction. (500 words)

3. Evaluate the company’s response to these internal and external environmental factors in terms of changes to its strategic direction. (500 words)

4. Analyse the effectiveness of the company’s response to these environmental factors. (500 words)

5. Provide recommendations for how the company can better respond to these environmental factors in the future. (300 words)

Conclusion (100 words)