
Unit 2 – Colonization

Reading and Resources

Also see:

· Constitution Society. (n.d.).  . Constitution Society.

Articles & Websites:

· McNamee, G. (2010).  . Native Peoples Magazine, 23(6), 50.

· Linder, Douglas. (2007).   (2007). Social Science Research Network.

· Laura LaHaye. " ." The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. 2008. Library of Economics and Liberty. 

· Videos:

· Overview of events and people involved in the settlement of the Jamestown colony.

Supplementary Materials:

Locks, C., Mergel, S., Roseman, P., & Spike, T. (2013).   Atlanta: UNG Press Books.

· Chapter 4: The Establishment of English Colonies before 1642 and Their Development Through the late Seventeenth Century

· Chapter 5: English Colonization After 1660

· Chapter 6: Growing Pains in the Colonies