wee 7 robb feedback

 Thank you for your response to this weeks discussion question.  I can agree with your stance on involvement of student input to evaluate the withitness of faculty members. The diverse nature of the learning environment causes students to have different experiences with the awareness that the teacher has form the students perspective.  Your example showed the importance of a teachers being aware and able to recognize the individual needs of a student within the many interactions of the teaching and learning process, at any given time.  This is easier said than done in todays diverse classroom.  Teachers with strong withitness have a more positive impact of adaptive instruction, teacher-directed instruction, and disciplinary climate (Inci & Kaya, 2022). Therefore, student perspective and insight would be valuable to evaluate the effectiveness of teacher withitness or awareness. Faculty with higher levels of withitness have been shown to have better classroom management, student engagement, and improved academic achievement (Snoeyink, 2014). For example, there were times when I allowed students to evaluate my performance as a teacher, in an anonymous summary for my review.   I used the information to improve my performance in the classroom, which lead to increased student outcomes.