Week 6 UAS Robotics and sensing tech

——————————————-Assignment 1———————————————————-

During a demonstration at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D’Andrea flies his quadcopter robots that think like athletes, resolving physical problems using algorithms that allow them to learn. D’Andrea shows drones that play catch, balance, and make joint decisions.


For this assignment, you will watch the YouTube video and then write a 2-3 page essay (not including the Title and Reference pages) answering the Short Answer Questions and Activity Essay questions. A writing assignment student example is provided below for you to use.

View the evaluation rubric to make sure your submission meets the grading standard.

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!


Raffaello D’Andrea: The Astounding Athletic Power of Quadcopters (16:09/YouTube)

  1. What is the magic that brings these quads to life?
  2. What two factors are combined with algorithms to allow the quad to do acrobatic maneuvers?
  3. What two factors keep the water from spilling out of the glass on top of the quad?

Please proceed to the Activity Essay section.

Mathematical models are calculations describing relationships between the inputs and outputs (control paradigms) of a system. With sensor/component integration, these models enable forecasts to control the system behavior under specific conditions. Describe a condition an autonomous Uncrewed Aircraft Systems will likely encounter and how the mathematical model is used to overcome the effects of the condition.

Your response should be one to two paragraphs (Minimum 200 words).

——————————————-Assignment 2———————————————————-

For the second assignment I only need help writing an introduction and a conclusion for a group project. Each, the intro and conclusion must be at least half a page but no more than 1. Below I will be posting the group requirement. I will also be adding last week group project which talk a little more about the topic.

  • *******last week assignment******This is your first deliverable towards your group project. This will involve selecting an appropriate mission and deriving the top-level mission requirements. You should not focus on what sensor or platform will be used yet, but rather what the mission necessitates (which is usually based on the collected data)***** we ended up selecting sport/entertainment (aerial videography, etc.)******

This is this weeks breakdown on whos writing what, I think this can help you write the introduction and I recommend waiting for them to write the body so you can write the conclusion(Saturday night).

Group 2,

Below are a list of what we need to get done this weekend. Remember the goal is to write a 3 to 5 page paper so at the bare minimum please have at least 3/4 to 1 page if possible and please don’t forget references.

Jerry – Outlining your team’s selection of sensor(s) suitable for the mission to meet the requirements outlined in the first group assignment. (very broad, Brandon and Devin will be going into details about the sensors for their parts and we want to avoid repetitiveness if possible.)

Brandon – Write a narrative justification and analysis with summarized results that indicate collection requirements (like minimum distance, maximum speed, etc.) in order for that sensor (Zenmuse X9-8K Air) to meet the mission requirements.

Devin – Write a narrative justification and analysis with summarized results that indicate collection requirements (like minimum distance, maximum speed, etc.) in order for that sensor (V-Raptor XL [X]) to meet the mission requirements.

The above taskers must be completed by Saturday April 27th 8pm Mountain Time (4pm Hawaii Time).

Edwin – Describe the mission and how it could be performed by UAS, the mission requirements, and how your team will consider options and create a recommendation for the organization to proceed forward.

Andres – You will be doing the introduction and conclusion.

The introduction and conclusion must be completed by Sunday April 28th 10am Mountain Time (6am Hawaii Time).

Devin – will compile the paper into one document, add the cover page and reference then post product for review.

At Sunday April 28th 6pm Mountain Time (2pm Hawaii Time), Devin will submit the completed paper. If you do not add any edits it will be assumed you agree with the edits/paper.

If you have any question or concerns call me, text me or add them to our group chat.
